Page 47 - Special Issue QTM 2021
P. 47

Marc Lannoy

(Complex General Manager The Westin Excelsior Rome & the St. Regis Rome - Italy)

“ Katara Hospitality is a founding partner and being there together with the entire
           portfolio of the Katara Hospitality portfolio gives us prestige”

The Westin Excelsior Rome is one of the city’s most iconic palaces, rich in history and
     located on the legendary Via Veneto. It is nestled between the Spanish Steps and the
Borghese Gardens & Gallery. This 5-star hotel features 281 rooms and 35 unique
Signature Suites, including one of the most spectacular and opulent suites in Europe –
the Villa La Cupola. Marc Lannoy, Complex General Manager at The Westin Excelsior
Rome & St Regis Rome is a born hotelier. His parents owned for 3 generations the Hotel
du Damier in Kortrijk (Belgium). He started his career in 1979 at the Sheraton Brussels
and in 1984 moved internationally where he held various management positions at dif-
ferent well-known hotels including the Sheraton Djibouti Hotel, Hotel Pulitzer – Luxury
Collection, The Westin Rotterdam, Starwood Hotels & Resorts and many others. Al
Bayan Magazine met Lannoy and conducted the following interview.

* How do you evaluate the Tourism               events. Also the domestic and local            * What is the importance of being under
Sector for 2021? And what was “Covid-           markets is taking a larger part of the         the umbrella of Katara?
19” knock-on effect to the industry?            market with last minute bookings, social       - Katara Hospitality is a global hotel owner,
- After 2020 , 2021 and 2022 can only be        events and weddings. We also remain            developer and operator with 50 years’ of
better !!! We reopened the hotel in March       flexible with our cancellation policies        experience in the industry and this means a
2021 and since then have seen an increase       and concessions giving the people con-         lot. They are ambitious as target 60 hotels in
in the Tourism sector but the “source of        fidence that if they cannot travel they        2030. For the Westin Excelsior Rome hav-
business” has changed as we still miss a        will not be penalized with a no show.          ing them as owners gives us confidence in
large part of the USA and other countries       They appreciate it and do come back.           the future as we know they only want the
due to the Covid restrictions. The repercus-                                                   best and this is where we belong.
sions obliged us to reduce our capacities          Participating at QTM gives us
due to Covid in order to maintain social dis-   international and national exposure            Our expectations are very positive
tances in our restaurants, bars and meeting
and banquet space we see the light at the       * What is the purpose behind your par-         * What are your expectations for the
end of the tunnel. So far, around 45.5 million  ticipation at QTM?                             coming year?
people in Italy can be said to be fully immu-   - Participating at QTM gives us international  - 2022 is the real beginning of the recovery.
nized against COVID-19, corresponding to        and national exposure to those who live in
roughly 84 percent of the total population      Qatar Katara Hospitality is a founding part-    American Airlines and other international
which is one of the highest percentages in      ner and being there together with the entire          carriers are flying back to Rome. The
Europe. All guests when checking-in, or         portfolio of the Katara Hospitality portfolio             “Cruise” business is picking up and
coming to our restaurants and bars, all         gives us prestige.                                           those pre- and after cruises
associates, all suppliers entering the hotel                                                                   are booking again in our
must present a “GREEN PASS” and wear a                                                                          hotel Tourist “tours” see
mask inside the hotel. All public spaces are                                                                     their bookings increasing.
constantly sanitized. This gives tourists a                                                                       For us having the largest
sense of security and is appreciated.                                                                            meeting and banquet space
                                                                                                                 in the center of Rome we see
* What are the other challenges                                                                                bookings coming in and this is
the Tourism sector is currently                                                                              very positive So our expectations
facing and how do you plan                                                                                 are very positive. People want to
to tackle them?                                                                                        travel and meet again, they are tired of

- The challenge is of course                                                                      smart working and organize meetings and
                                                                                               events behind their computers.
t o b r i n g b a c k To u r i s ts ,

Business and groups to

Rome and return to the 2019

levels of occupancy. As we

are still missing a part we are

targeting segments and markets

which were new for us like the enter-

tainment sector renting our public areas

for movie productions or high profile sport

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