Page 52 - Special Issue QTM 2021
P. 52
Laura Osiride (Account Director - Excelsior Hotel Gallia - Milan)
“ The iconic Excelsior Gallia is the hotel of choice for
Italy’s social elite since the very beginning ”
Laura Osiride, Account Director of Excelsior Hotel Gallia, Milan is an experienced Sales
Director with a demonstrated history of working in the hospitality industry. She is
skilled in Hospitality Management, Yield Management, Hotel Management, Italian, and
Revenue Analysis. She is a strong sales professional graduated from Scuola Superiore per
Interpreti e Traduttori Carlo Bo. Al Bayan Magazine met Osiride on the sidelines of Qatar
Travel Mart in its 1st edition held in Doha and conducted the following interview with her.
* Can you give us an idea about your ¯¯¯ ished in 1927, when, instead of the present
property “ The Excelsior Hotel Gallia”? day Piazza Duca d’Aosta, today headquar-
- Expression of progress and modern-day Katara Royal Suite ters to the Central Station, there was simply
grace, Milan is internationally recognized as countryside and the outskirts of Milan. As a
the capital of fashion, design and gastrono- is the largest result, this luxurious hotel with its elegant
my. Now more than ever the city is prepared Liberty-style facade - today still under the
to face a season of rebirth, a brand new in Italy protection of the Italian Institute of Fine Arts
start. The Excelsior Hotel Gallia, since 1932 - stood out in all its majestic splendour.
has gone hand in hand with the evolution of ¯¯¯ Moreover, Milan is a city that stands at the
a community that embraced changes, social forefront of fashion and design, with a
multiplicities and explored the beauty of con- * What makes your hotel special and vibrant energy and fascinating heritage.
temporary cultures. The hotel exemplifies all unique? Excelsior Hotel Gallia’s dedicated team of
these approaches being the portray of a real - Excelsior Hotel Gallia, as the hotel is now Luxury Collection Concierge are uniquely
disruptive innovation. Featuring 235 luxuri- known, has always been one of the most placed to share their extensive destination
ous guest rooms, including 53 suites, each prestigious hotels in Italy, ever since its offi- knowledge and authoritative local insight of
room celebrates all that is innately desirable cial opening. This architectural jewel of belle the cultural landscape.
about the city’s show-stopping design ethic, époque sophistication is an iconic and visu-
incorporating handcrafted and modern ele- ally distinct landmark it being the hotel of * How did you surpass the Covid-19 period?
ments by local ateliers. Along with the five choice for Italy’s social elite since the very - No doubt that it was very tough, we closed
individually-styled suites: Executive Suites, beginning. Today, that evocative legacy the hotel from March 2020 until October and
Panoramic Suites, Signature Suites, Atelier continues to inspire every detail. A stunning then we reopened but of course it has been
Suites and Gallia Presidential Suite; the architectural feature, with impressive very slow. Until May 2021 we didn’t recover
Katara Royal Suite is the largest suite in Italy. domed roof, attention-grabbing interiors and properly but then the business started to
Alongside, there are 53 individually curated modern new wing have been cleverly styled
suites. The “Signature Suites” are inspired by by local designer, Marco Piva, offering con- ramp up again and we are very happy
world renowned Italian designers like Gio temporary detailing, offset by timeless about the summer and the Autumn
Ponti, Castiglioni and furnished with their Milanese artisanal pieces and covetable that we just passed because we had
show stopper designs. Atelier Suites are con- Italian furnishings. The construction of the a very incredible growth especially
ceived as art galleries with theatrical use of hotel, which was designed and built by in terms of average daily rate.
artwork, lighting and colours. At the pinnacle Giuseppe Laveni and Aldo Avati, was fin-
of the hotel and the largest suite of its kind in * What is the purpose behind
Italy, the Royal Suite assumes the mantle of your participation in QTM?
Leading Hotel Suite in Europe at 1,000 m2 - It is an honor to be part of this
(10,000ft) with its unique tree lined outdoor event. With the help of Katara
terraces on the top floor of the hotel. At Hospitality, our purpose is to show
the heart of the hotel, spanning over 2 how beautiful is our property to all
floors is an inner sanctum of calm, the people working in the travel indus-
relaxation and serenity, the try and to share our culture and to tell
Wellness Centre provides a tran- more about Milan as a destination to the
quil haven for guests to enjoy the Qatari travelers and population.
unique Himalayan salt cabin,
hydrotherapy, wet and dry 52
saunas and steam room.
Cocooned within the Wellness
Centre is the exclusive Shiseido Spa
bringing to guests over 130 years of
Japanese Wellness Rituals. The hotel has
gone into a major renovation in 2010 that
lasted four years.
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