Page 51 - Special Issue QTM 2021
P. 51

Paloma Martinez

(General Manager – InterContinental Madrid):

“ As part of Katara Hospitality’s portfolio we have clear strategy of growth in the
 luxury hospitality segment in Spain where tourism is the number one industry ”

Paloma Martinez is the General Manager of InterContinental Madrid. She over-
    sees all aspects of hotel operations, provide the vision, leadership, and strategy
to inspire the team to deliver exceptional service and drive financial success, as well
as enabling innovation taking care of sustainability and drive results. Martinez was
among the prominent people who participated at the Qatar Travel Mart in its first
edition. In a Q & A on the sidelines of the event, Al Bayan Magazine met her and
conducted the following interview.

* How do you evaluate the tourism trict of the city and since then it has

sector in Spain during 2021?                become the headquarters of most

- Tourism in Spain is the number one        embassies and large international
industry; it is the country within Europe   companies. We have 302 rooms
that is more dependent on tourism.          and 17 meeting rooms. We are cur-
Directly it generates 15 percent of the     rently planning an exciting refurbish-
GDP in Spain but indirectly 25 percent,     ment of the property which will con-
so our country depends very much on         solidate the hotel’s positioning
tourism and it has been very difficult      amongst the top tiers of the city.

because the government mandated the * How do you evaluate the QTM in

hotels closed. For many months the its first edition?

hotels have been closed and then            - It is a magnificent idea that Qatar        * What is the importance of being under
although we were allowed to open,           has decided to go for this type of           the umbrella of Katara Hospitality?
there was no business coming in so          event. For sure at the beginning, it is a    - Katara Hospitality is a very strong
many of us decided not to reopen. Now       lot of work and the first edition is always  company that has a very clear strategy
we are being very positive, and this is     difficult because you have to position       of growth within the luxury hospitality
starting to pick up although slowly but it  the event internationally but I think it is  niche. Katara is not in the business to
is going better than we expected it. It is  a wonderful idea and it will allow the       buy and sell assets but it is in the busi-
a very positive outlook.                    destination of Qatar more accessible to      ness of true hospitality and that is a
                                            other countries so I can only see posi-      strong plus. I think that the different
                                                                                         hotels who are part of Katara Hospitality
* Can you give us an idea about The         tive in the future of this event.            have a very strong sense of what the
                                                                                         business is about and that is the why it
“InterContinental Madrid?                    Katara Hospitality is not in                is an honor to be under the umbrella of
                                            the business to buy and sell                 Katara.
- The InterContinental Madrid hotel is a    assets but it is in the busi-
cosmopolitan retreat that opens up the                                                   * What will be your strategy for
real charm and passion of this vibrant      ”ness of true hospitality                        2022?
                                                                                                 - We see a very strong focus for
city. A sense of occasion takes over the                                                            the first months in the
minute you step into our marble-lined                                                                 European market which is
                                                                                                        the region that is being
lobby, where a sumptuous brunch is                                                                      more active in the short
                                                                                                        term. However, as soon as
served on Sundays. Fine dining,                                                                         we enter the second part of
                                                                                                      2022, we can go back to our
award-winning business facilities                                                                   usual world-wide commercial
                                                                                                focus, including of course Qatar,
and a 24-hour gym make the                                                                 as well as other strong international

hotel a destination in itself.                                                           markets.

The city’s high-end fashion

boutiques are a short dis-

tance from the hotel, as are

Madrid’s world-class muse-

ums. Established in 1953, it

was the first and only inter-

national hotel in Spain. Up until

then there were only independent

hotels but never with an international

brand. It is located in the business dis-

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