Page 45 - Special Issue QTM 2021
P. 45

Matthias Kaesweber

(Director of Sales & Marketing The Peninsula – Paris):

  “ Our strategy for 2022 is about creating
  new meaningful experiences to people ”

Educated in Brand Management & Marketing, Matthias Kaesweber,
     Director of Sales & Marketing at The Peninsula Paris, he oversees
strategy for sales and marketing – including brand, e-commerce, pub-
lic relations, revenue management and distribution strategy, as well as
focusing on expanding brand exposure and consistency for the hotel.
Al Bayan Magazine met Kaesweber on the sidelines of the Qatar
Travel Mart event and conducted the following interview.

* Can you give us an idea about The Peninsula Paris?                      * What is the added value of being under the umbrella of
The Peninsula Paris is a historic luxury hotel, originally known as       Katara?
the Hotel Majestic, located on Avenue Kléber in the 16th                  - Katara Hospitality is an amazing partner. They have a beautiful
arrondissement of Paris, France. Before The Majestic was built,           portfolio in Europe and Internationally and what we see today as
Russian millionaire Count Basilewski originally constructed his very      the very First Qatar Travel Mart this year is where we combine our
own ‘mini-Versailles’ on the site. In exile from Spain, Queen Isabella    brother and sister properties all over the world. I’ve been traveling
II of Spain occupied the château from 1868 to 1906. It opened in          to the Middle Eastern markets for quite some time. It is the first time
1908 as the Hotel Majestic and enjoyed 40 years hosting the rich          since the pandemic; therefore, I was very happy to re-enter Qatar.
and famous, the titled and tycoons, together with leading lights in       I was surprised about the beautiful development of the city itself
the world of the arts, literature and music during the “Belle Epoque”     getting ready for 2022.
and “Années Folles”, when Paris was at the height of its creativity
and glamour. At the outbreak of World War One, various grand                    Qatar is one of our top markets
Parisian buildings - including the hotel - were requisitioned to house
temporary hospitals for soldiers returning from the front. The requi-     * Has The Peninsula Paris been affected by the Covid-19 pan-
sition did not last more than five months, but the occupancy as a         demic?
refuge for the injured took its toll, resulting in serious damage to the  - Yes, of course. Like many other hotels, we had to close the hotel
hotel. As such, it did not open for business again until 1916. In         in 2020 for almost one year, we reopened this year March and
1936, the hotel was sold to the French government, and it became          heavily domestic driven by the French and neighboring countries
the UNESCO Head Office from 1946 to 1958.                                 and since June where international travel opened up again, we see
The building reopened as The Peninsula Paris in August 2014, following    Americans & Mexicans coming to the city of Light and Qatar is one
a complicated and costly restoration. The French government sold the      of our top markets.
building in 2008 as part of a cost-cutting measure to the
Qatari Diar firm. It reopened on August 1, 2014,                              Unique and meaningful experiences
following extensive rebuilding by Vinci
Construction, as The Peninsula                                                                       * What will be your strategy for 2022?
Paris, the famous hotel chain’s                                                                              - It is all about people, even more
first property in Europe, in a                                                                                     nowadays after the pandemic than
joint venture with Katara                                                                                              before. You need to think of
Hospitality. The hotel                                                                                                     how creating unique and
offers 200 luxury rooms,                                                                                                     meaningful experiences
including 86 suites.                                                                                                           because this is what
Inspired by Haute                                                                                                               people are looking for.
Couture, the theme                                                                                                               Travellers are happy to
suites at The                                                                                                                    come again to cities or
Peninsula Paris hotel –                                                                                                          countries they have
some of the French capital’s                                                                                                     visited already but they
most spacious and the world’s                                                                                                  will be expecting new
most highly customized – are verita-                                                                                         experiences. We need to
ble showcases of French heritage and                                                                                       make sure we provide a
savoir-faire.                                                                                                          special and unique touch they
                                                                                                                   will remember forever. It is all
45                                                                                                           about creating new happy memories

                                                                                                     during their journey!

                                                                                             AL BAYAN ECONOMIC MAG - ISSUE 603 - FEBRUARY 2022
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