Page 74 - March 2022 Issue 604 Part 2
P. 74


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Gautam Datta (CEO – Watania):

The market needs consolidation and the merger between
Watania & Dar Al Takaful is an initiative in that direction

Creating a leading Takaful Operator where leadership is defined in terms of profitability for share-
     holders, protection and service for the policyholders and a nurturing and growing environment for
the employees, has always been the main vision for National Takaful Company (Watania). The com-
pany differentiates itself by treating its customers & policyholders with respect and fairness and by
providing the appropriate protection at a competitive price. Watania believes that stability is one of its
strong pillars for growth, and its underwriting risk appetite is a key component that adds to its
strength. Its aim is to center its world around the customer, by offering its services with ease and sim-
plicity, as well as fostering an environment that builds trust, engaging with clients, holding itself
accountable for the commitments it makes to policyholders and achieving significant diversification of
the risk. In a Q & A with Al Bayan Magazine, Gautam Datta, CEO of Watania Abu Dhabi, sheds light
on the potential merger between Dar Al Takaful and Watania and expressed his point of view regard-
ing the impact of the war between Russia & Ukraine on the insurance industry.
Following is an extract from the interview.

* How do you evaluate the conference in terms of topics and                   bring about a strong synergy for the merged entity. The merger will result
attendees?                                                                    in making the Company one of the biggest Takaful companies in UAE
- I think it is interesting after two years of break, we see a lot of people  giving it the scale to improve its products and services to the Takaful
coming in and many faces that we haven’t seen outside Zoom and other          market and higher ROE for its shareholders. The merger is expected to
video platform.                                                               be completed in the third quarter of 2022 and will consolidate market
                                                                              share of the UAE’s fractured Takaful market.
* What is the purpose behind the potential merger between Dar Al
Takaful and Watania?                                                          * Do you think the war between Russia and Ukraine will affect the
- The big thing is about consolidating for the purpose of making the com-     insurance industry in the region?
panies stronger. The market needs consolidation, so this is an initiative     - The impact has been minimal at present other than increase in oil
in that direction. An interesting feature of Watania and DAT merger is the    prices which will have a positive outcome for country’s budget. Having
complementary aspects of their business. DAT’s presence in Dubai and          said that, in a connected world negative impact on global economy will
Northern Emirates and Watania’s strength in Abu Dhabi Emirate will            affect UAE as well.

2022 (¢SQÉe) QGPG - 604 O~©dG - ájOÉ°üàb’G ¿É«ÑdG                                                           238
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