Page 73 - March 2022 Issue 604 Part 2
P. 73
Mohamed Seghir (CEO - HAYAH): Manoj Kumar & Mario Nahas (MNK RE):
We want to target with our rebranding We don’t compete with anyone but we
a segment of the population which do things that others aren’t able to do
aren’t targeted by the insurance
& provide special insurance covers
AXA Green Crescent MNK Re is a Lloyds
Insurance Company has broker
changed its name to HAYAH Headquartered within
Insurance Company following
the approval from the local regu- the prestigious City of
lators. HAYAH CEO Mohamed
Seghir expressed his extreme London just few meters
excitement about this change
that supports the strategic focus away of the Famous
on product and digital proposi-
tion innovation in life, savings Lloyd’s of London, with
and medical. Being locally
embedded with strong technical many offices across the
expertise and leaders of digital
innovations, he declared that continent: Miami,
they are the UAE specialists in these segments and in bringing solutions
closer to their customers, stating that HAYAH will continue to deliver the Johannesburg, Kenya,
same exceptional products and services whilst adding to their product
portfolio with groundbreaking new developments across all lines of busi- Poland and very soon at
ness. About this rebranding and many other things, Al Bayan Magazine
conducted the following interview with Mr. Seghir. Below is the Q & A. the DIFC/Dubai. MNK
* Can you give us an idea about HAYAH? Re provides reinsurance
- HAYAH Insurance Company, formerly AXA Green Crescent, is the UAE’s
newest life insurer. Being locally embedded with strong technical expertise support to its clients
and leaders of digital innovations, HAYAH is the UAE’s life, savings and
medical specialist in bringing solutions closer to customers. This change from all around the
tackles two issues, the first one digitalization. We wanted to be a fully dig-
ital company. The second one is the low penetration on life insurance. As globe for all classes of
you know, life insurance in developed economies is most of the time the
biggest line of business in insurance whereas here in the market, it has business including but not limited to Property & Casualty, Life & Medical,
always been the smallest one. We wanted to tackle this point because it is
not only a question of the demographics, economy or tax system which Energy & Aviation, Marine, Financial Institutions, bancassurance and
impact the low penetration of life insurance but it is also the limited avail-
able products in life insurance which people cannot basically find to satis- Special Contingency Risks. It also operates in the Parametric space and can
fy their needs. Many of the products have been designed in other countries
and are imported to the Gulf countries so we wanted to be able to engineer create bespoke solutions on a parametric basis. MNK Re believes in quality
all products and for that we wanted to make sure that on the distribution
side we can provide a hundred percent digital experience to our customers. work and prides itself in optimizing the turn-around time for its customers.
Our head office is in Abu Dhabi and we have a branch office in Dubai but
we are looking at expanding to new territories. For 2022, we want to tack- It has a team of high-calibre professionals who are highly skilled by virtue
le the UAE which is a huge market for us and we know that the penetration
has been very low on the life insurance side but we are looking at other of their experience and qualifications. Al Bayan Magazine met Manoj
countries, two in the GCC and one outside the GCC.
Kumar, Group CEO/MD of MNK Re and Mario Nahas, Marketing Director
* How do you evaluate your relationship with reinsurers and brokers
in the region? and SEO of the MNK Re Dubai/DIFC Operations and conducted the
- Our brand is very new and modern as well as dynamic and energetic so
we wanted to have the same impact as well on the brokers and reinsurers. following interview.
We have prepared our partners for the change and make sure that we were
steering in the right direction for them. Even though we would like to be as * How do you evaluate the comeback of the physical conferences?
digital as we want, the only way to actively do it was to meet them, see - The networking is very important this year specifically because after two
them and speak to them directly face to face. They liked the concept and years of non-operational congresses, it is a very good opportunity to
they knew that there is a gap in the market that needs to be addressed. know what is going on in the insurance world, meet new companies and
We want to target a segment of the population which aren’t targeted by the people, and the new products in the insurance industry. So, it was really
insurance. I am speaking about the people who are roughly between 25 a very important congress and we can see that there is a lot to do, digital
and 40. world is coming in, higher risk is there, creating new products & giving
solution to the insurance world. Our meetings were excellent because we
* Are you looking forward to be rated by an international agency? are introducing MNK as the new unit at the DIFC. This is very important
- This is something which has been discussed at the board level these for our clients.
days. It is an intention for us because as we would like to go external and
to other territories, it will be monitory for us. We just have some governance * Do you think the war between Russia and Ukraine will have an
steps that we need to follow on our side. impact on the insurance industry in the region?
- The impact and the risk are always there. Unfortunately in the 21st cen-
237 tury, we have to see a war but the Russian continent was also an insur-
ance world in itself. Now certainly there will be a gap but the insurance
people are here to face all kind of opportunities and difficulties with real-
ity & positivity.
* What is the vision of MNK Re in the region?
- As a group, we are expanding worldwide. We have offices everywhere
but now for the MENA region, our main concern is to give the market
something missing, to try to introduce the gap in the insurance industry,
we don’t want to be exactly like others, we are not here to compete with
anyone but we try to do some special insurance covers which we are, for
the time being, the major ones in this and we are always discovering new
things because we are seeing a change in weather and this change is
creating new challenges. We are number one in at least trying to see
what is coming and we are halfway through. For example, the paramet-
ric insurance is one big subject.
* Are you going to integrate all the markets in the region?
- We are coming in with new products and technologies, so we are trying
to do the things that others aren’t able to do. We like difficult and compli-
cated things. This doesn’t mean that we do not do the standard things,
we will continue to do all lines of business but on top of that we will dif-
ferentiate ourselves from others.