Page 92 - January 2022 Issue 602 Part 1
P. 92

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          Jeetu Kataria

(Co-Founder & CEO – DIFX Technology):

We always strive to make a single
   stop destination for users who

want to trade all the asset classes

Jeetu Kataria, Co-Founder & CEO at DIFX technology, has over 15 years of experi-
   ence in Financial Markets, Investment Banking and Corporate Finance with exten-
sive experience with the foremost global financial services organizations. His core com-
petencies are Startup Investments, Asset Management, Investment Banking, Business
Strategy, and keeping investments on track with sound knowledge of robust risk man-
agement. His expertise is into startup investment with a technology focus, such as
Fintech, FMCG, Education, and Artificial intelligence. He is also instrumental as finan-
cial strategist for large Family offices in Middle East and South East Asia. Al Bayan
Magazine met Mr. Kataria and conducted the following interview with him.
Below is the Q & A.

* Can you give us an idea about your company?                     percent of the countries and this will legalize cryptocurrency as

- DIFX is the first comprehensive ecosystem to offer major verti- an asset class but not a currency. With cryptocurrency, we want

cals in a single unified and packaged offering. We provide a the traditional assets to be combined and we want users to trade

secure and hybrid working paradigm for a centralized and decen- on these assets.

tralized exchange with atomic swaps. We envision using our

immutable ledger technology for the unbanked, by creating a rev- * What differentiate you from other similar companies?

olutionary exchange which is fast, secure, and efficient. Our - I have been trading on all the exchanges and what I have seen

number one priority is to bridge the gap between digital and tra- is that switching between the different asset classes was the real

ditional assets, thereby establishing a new financial order. Our pain the user was facing. For the last two years, we have been

prime focus is to create a powerful hybrid of centralized and working on how to give a seamless experience to the users so

decentralized exchange, using block chain technology to enable that they can trade all the assets in a single platform. Apart from

atomic swaps. Thus, DIFX is an insured cross-asset trading plat- that, we have the strongest custodian who is managing the funds

form where people can safely trade, by and sell multiple assets on behalf of our clients which is Fireblock. Today they are man-

like cryptocurrencies, forex, indices, commodities and stocks. We aging more than 500 billion dollars across the globe in cryp-

have presence in Singapore as a tech company and have an EMI tocurrency. We always strive to make a single stop destination for

license in Cayman Islands and we are based in Dubai with com- users who want to trade all the asset classes.

mercial brokerage & tech license as well as in Labuan as a secu-

rity dealing license and now we are in Estonia as exchange and    * What is the purpose behind your participation in Forex
wallet service license.                                           Expo?

                                                                  - DIFX has two platforms, one is our own institutional platform

* What is your comment about cryptocurrency?                      and the other is MT5 platform where we have all the traditional

- What I have seen in the last four years is that no matter which assets along with hundred cryptocurrency futures. The way cryp-

country prohibits cryptocurren-                                                           to has grown from two hundred

cy, they cannot block it. They                                                            billion dollar market to 3 trillion

only allow banks not to deal in                                                           dollar today, we see that once

cryptos. In the last ten years, we                                                        we combine both platforms, we

have seen that no banks were                                                              will be able to give a single solu-

allowed but on the contrary bit-                                                          tion to the user. So, to attend

coin reached from maybe one                                                               expos which are crypto and

dollar to 60 thousand dollars                                                             forex is our main focus and what

and each and every cryptocur-                                                             we are looking for.

rency which is well legitimate

and has shown massive growth                                                              * What will be your future

even without any banking struc-                                                           plans?

ture in place. Lately, large insti-                                                       - We want to give 24/7 support

tutions are coming and making                                                             for the users and to focus on

their our crypto funds and col-                                                           how to secure the funds which

laborating with the exchanges                                                             are kept with us because of the

and I believe in the next four                                                            insurance we have and the cus-

years, we will have the full regu-   FROM LEFT: PRAKASH NAVIM & JEETU KATARIA             todian who is holding the
lations in place in at least 80                                                           assets.

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