Page 146 - July 2024 Issue 632
P. 146

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                               Jawad Ouaziz (VP Commercial – DHL Express):
             DHL is the first global express courier to offer customers the opportunity to use SAF to reduce carbon emissions
               awad Ouaziz, VP Commercial at DHL Express, declared that it is very important for them as a company to par-
             Jticipate in Seamless since they are a major player in the MENA region, stating that the exhibition provides them
             with a great opportunity to meet with their customers and partners and to showcase their solutions and services. He
             further noted that sustainability has become a priority to any company and part of its business model, revealing that
             in UAE after COP28 a lot of large and midsize companies have been interested in adopting and implementing sus-
             tainability in order to reduce their emissions. “Sustainability has become a vital part of any organization as it has a
             bearing on customer choices, employee support and investment decisions”, assuring that it is one of the main solu-
             tions that DHL Express is offering during 2024, proclaiming that  they have introduced a dedicated solution called
             GoGreen Plus to help businesses reduce the carbon emissions associated with their shipments through the use of
             Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF), which is a biofuel that is produced from renewable sources such as vegetable oils,
             animal fats, waste products and agricultural crops, noting that SAF is specifically designed to be used a substitute
             for traditional jet fuel and can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 80 percent compared to fossil fuels. “We
             are the first global express courier to offer our customers the opportunity to use Sustainable Aviation Fuel to reduce
             carbon emissions associated with their shipments through this service. This means businesses can take actions to
             reduce their Scope 3 emissions, which are the indirect greenhouse gas emissions that occur in their value chain”.
             With respect to DHL eCommerce, Mr. Ouaziz said that it is one of the divisions of DHL and a world leader in both domestic and international parcel delivery, help-
             ing businesses grow within and beyond borders. “Whether you’re a private customer looking to send a parcel locally, a small business searching for standard
             domestic delivery services or a large e-commerce player wanting to simplify your shipping solutions, we offer products that meet your needs”, indicating that the
             Middle East region and GCC countries are still growing significantly in terms of e-commerce. On the other hand, Mr. Ouaziz said that 2023 has been a positive
             year for DHL Express, stating that they have seen growth in their number of shipments & deliveries both in e-commerce and other businesses, assuring that they
             have high expectations going forward into 2024 where they will reach their targets based on their forecast, especially that their Q1 results across the globe were
             positive, steady and strong.

            2024 (ƒ«dƒj) Rƒ“  - 632 O~©dG - ájOÉ°üàb’G ¿É«ÑdG                                                  146
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