Page 143 - July 2024 Issue 632
P. 143

Taarek Hinedi

          (Vice President – FedEx Express Middle East & Africa Operations)

        AI is poised to become one of the most disruptive global forces of this decade

         edEx connects people and possibilities through its worldwide portfolio of shipping, transportation, e-
       Fcommerce and business services. It offers integrated business applications through its collaboratively
       managed operating companies - collectively delivering extraordinary service to its customers - using the
       expertise and reliability represented by the FedEx brand. Its people are the foundation of its success, and
       FedEx has consistently ranked among the world’s most admired and trusted employers. It inspires its glob-
       al workforce of more than 575 thousand employees to remain absolutely, positively focused on safety, the
       highest ethical and professional standards, and the needs of their customers and communities. Al Bayan
       Magazine conducted an interview with Mr. Taarek Hinedi, Vice President of FedEx Express Middle East &
       Africa Operations and following is the Q & A.

       • What is the added value behind your partici-  newer and more efficient technologies. Our efforts
       pation in Seamless Dubai?          to reduce emissions center around vehicle electri-
       - Seamless Middle East serves as a pivotal meet-  fication and the use of sustainable energy and
       ing point for decision-makers from diverse indus-  fuels. Through a phased strategy, we are working
       tries including logistics, payments, fintech, banking,  towards our goal of transforming the entire FedEx
       retail, e-commerce, and digital marketing, to con-  parcel pickup and delivery (PUD) fleet to zero-
       vene and explore groundbreaking technologies that  tailpipe emission vehicles by 2040. Further, in our
       are shaping the future of digital commerce in the  commitment to providing sustainable solutions for
       region. Its recent edition focused on the impact of  our customers, FedEx-branded cardboard pack-
       Artificial Intelligence (AI) across sectors.  aging is 100% recyclable and composed of 45%  FedEx Ship Manager™  automate the shipping
       Visitors to the FedEx booth H1-A24 explored a range  recycled content.   process end-to-end and FedEx® Reporting pro-
       of smart e-commerce solutions tailored to meet the  Our hub at DWC is also a testament to our sustain-  vides simplified access to shipping dashboards.
       dynamic needs of e-tailers and their end-consumers.  ability commitment.  The facility aligns with Dubai  FedEx also uses AI for delivery tracking purposes
       This included FedEx Compatible Solutions, which  Municipality’s Green Standard for sustainable build-  to provide greater accuracy of estimated delivery
       seamlessly integrates with business applications to  ing and regulation and features 100% LED lighting,  times and updates for early or delayed shipments.
       streamline supply chain management and enable  charging infrastructure for commercial delivery vehi-  Our FedEx  Advanced  Tracking shares cus-
       efficient order fulfillment.       cles, electric ground service equipment such as fork-  tomized and in-depth intelligent insights on ship-
       These solutions add to an evolving platform of FedEx  lifts and employee passenger cars, and an intelligent  ment tracking and FedEx SenseAwareSM is a
       digital services, which include WhatsApp notifications  building management system to automatically man-  sensor-based technology that provides customers
       for FedEx® Delivery Manager to help recipients plan  age cooling and lighting. It will also include solar pan-  near real-time monitoring and information  includ-
       package deliveries around their busy schedules, and  els that will generate approximately one megawatt of  ing package location and temperature.
       Picture Proof of Delivery for express residential ship-  power. The excess power will be fed back into the  • What are some new products you launched
       ments, to ensure peace of mind for both e-commerce  Dubai power grid, supporting the increase of clean
       merchants and their consumers.     energy’s share in the city’s energy mix.   or are going to launch in the near future?
       FedEx also sponsored the Seamless E-com-  Our customers can also access our FedEx®  - FedEx has made a long-term investment of more
       merce University, an engaging stage at the con-  Sustainability Insights tool on, which is an  than US$350 million (approximately AED 1.3 bil-
       ference where experts from various industries  advanced cloud platform that grants them direct  lion) into the UAE’s economy through infrastruc-
       shared practical advice on building, launching,  access to near-real-time emissions data on their  ture and technological advancements in this new
       and growing profitable businesses. In addition to  shipments within the FedEx network. They can then  hub at DWC. This investment reaffirms the com-
       leading dedicated sessions, we also invited some  use the data to help make informed decisions on  pany’s commitment to economic growth,  aligned
       of our customers to take to the stage and share  their future shipping strategy to reduce their impact  with the UAE’s ‘National  Agenda for Non-oil
       valuable insights. Delving into how businesses  on the planet.        Export Development’, which aims to increase the
       can grow their operations through cross-border  Additionally, we are supporting research on car-  nation’s foreign trade. It also supports the growing
       trade, FedEx hosted a presentation on  bon sequestration science to help advance the  e-commerce and trade demands in the Middle
       ‘Embracing E-commerce: Moving Your Business  development of long-term carbon capture strate-  East, Indian Subcontinent and Africa region and
       Online’ as well as a session on ‘Unlocking Growth  gies with permanence.  beyond.
       Opportunities for E-commerce Businesses’, as  •  What are some opportunities in the region  We  also recently launched our new FedEx Less-
       part of the main conference agenda during the  your company is addressing? How are you  than-Container Load (LCL) Priority service, con-
       event. FedEx also moderated a fireside chat titled  approaching them?  necting the Asia Pacific with key markets in the
       ‘Startup to Scale-up: Lessons Learned in E-com-  - AI is poised to become one of the most disrup-  Middle East.  This one-stop multimodal ocean-
       merce Expansion’ to highlight the significance of  tive global forces of this decade, fueled by the  road solution offers a customs-cleared port-to-door
       logistics in scaling up businesses.                                   and door-to-door service with a strategic balance of
                                          increasing availability and utilization of data. The  speed and affordability, while providing a new
                                          Middle East region is expected to generate eco-  benchmark in efficiency. FedEx has also introduced
         Our hub at DWC is a testament    nomic gains of up to US$320 billion by 2030  innovative digital solutions including the new auto-
         to our sustainability commitment  through the adoption of AI. Our solutions such as  mated e-commerce capability in FedEx Ship
                                                                                      Manager™, which supports small
       •  Sustainability is one of the most                                           businesses and e-commerce mer-
                                                                                      chants across the region to efficiently
       important aspects discussed across
                                                                                      manage their shipments online.
       all industries, how are you contribut-
       ing to that?                                                                   • How were your results in 2023 and
       - Our sustainability approach and                                              what do you expect from 2024?
       carbon emission reduction plans                                                - In FY2023, FedEx Corp. ended the
       focus on three key ideas: reduce,                                              fiscal year with revenue of US$90.2
       replace, and revolutionize. We aim                                             billion. For FY2024, we project capital
       to mitigate the impact of our activi-                                          spending of US$5.4 billion prioritizing
       ties and operations, replace older                                             efficiency improvements such as fleet
       technologies and vehicles, and revo-                                           and facility modernization, network
       lutionize our fleets and facilities with                                       optimization, and automation.
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