Page 14 - July 2024 Issue 632
P. 14

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              Tejoury acquires Hala Supply Chain Services Co.’s        á«à°ùLƒ∏dG ô«cƒdG á≤£æe π«dO ≥∏£J GWC
                             Client Base in KSA
               ejoury, a pioneering force in infor-
            Tmation and records management                          Iô«¨°üdG äÉcô°ûdG ƒªf õ«Øëàd á°üæe : ¿ƒæe ∞«éfQ
            solutions, has recently completed the
            acquisition of Hala Supply Chain                        äÉØdÉëàdGh äÉcGô°ûdG ~≤Y ¢Uôa õjõ©Jh ᣰSƒàªdGh
            Services Co.’s client base dedicated to
            record management services within the                                           è˘˘˘˘˘«˘˘˘˘˘∏˘˘˘˘˘˘î˘˘˘˘˘˘dG ᢢ˘˘˘˘cô˘˘˘˘˘˘°T â≤˘˘˘˘˘˘∏˘˘˘˘˘˘WCG
            Kingdom of Saudi  Arabia (KSA).  This                                           ,( GWC ) ¥.´.Ω.¢T ¿Rɢ˘˘î˘˘˘˘ª˘˘˘˘∏˘˘˘˘d
            strategic move highlights  Tejoury’s
            commitment to broadening its market                                             á«à°ùLƒ∏dG ô˘«˘cƒ˘dG á˘≤˘£˘æ˘e π˘«˘dO
            presence and reinforcing its reputation                                         º˘˘eC’G Ωƒ˘˘j ™˘˘e ø˘˘˘eGõ˘˘˘à˘˘˘dɢ˘˘H ∂dPh
            for excellence in client-centric solutions.
            Founded with a vision to revolutionize                                          äɢ°ù°SDƒ˘ª˘∏˘d »˘ª˘dɢ©˘˘dG I~˘˘ë˘˘à˘˘ª˘˘dG
            document  management  practices,                                                Iô˘«˘¨˘˘°üdGh ô˘˘¨˘˘°üdG ᢢ«˘˘gɢ˘æ˘˘à˘˘ª˘˘dG
            Tejoury has established itself as a  Michael Barber
            leader not only in the financial sector                                         27 ≥˘aGƒ˘j …ò˘dGh ᢢ£˘˘°Sƒ˘˘à˘˘ª˘˘dGh
            but also in the insurance industry. Renowned for its innovative approach and    »˘˘˘a ∂dPh ,Ωɢ˘˘Y π˘˘˘c ø˘˘˘e ƒ˘˘˘«˘˘˘fƒ˘˘˘j
            steadfast dedication to quality, Tejoury consistently delivers tailored solutions
            that optimize efficiency and ensure compliance with regulatory standards.       ¬˘e~˘≤˘J …ò˘dG ô˘«˘Ñ˘μ˘˘dG º˘˘Y~˘˘dG Qɢ˘WEG
            Michael Barber, Managing Director of Hala Supply Chain Services Co.,            äɢ˘˘cô˘˘˘°û∏˘˘˘d z»˘˘˘°S ƒ˘˘˘«˘˘˘˘∏˘˘˘˘HO »˘˘˘˘L{
            underscored the strategic nature of their decision to transfer their record
            management clients to Tejoury, stating: “Hala wants to focus on our core busi-  ∫ƒ∏ëdG ô«aƒJh ∫ɪYC’G OGhôdh ᣰSƒàªdGh Iô«¨°üdGh ô¨°üdG á«gÉæàe
            ness areas of  Transportation, Logistics, and Supply Chain.  That is why we
            sought a partner who could maintain high standards and deliver a client-centric  äÉYÉ£≤dG ∞∏àîe øe  É¡FÓªY äÉÑ∏£àe á«Ñ∏àd á°ü°üîªdGh IôμàѪdG
            approach. Tejoury’s proven track record made them the ideal choice.”  .á«à°ùLƒ∏dG äÉe~îdG ´É£b »a I~FGQ ácô°ûc É¡àfÉμe Rõ©j …òdG ôeC’G
            Tejoury’s acquisition of Hala’s client base marks a significant expansion of its
            service offerings in KSA, particularly bolstering its presence in the insur-  …ò«Øæà˘dG ¢ù«˘Fô˘dG  RANJEEV MENON  ¿ƒæe ∞«˘é˘fQ  ~˘˘«˘˘°ùdG ~˘˘˘cCGh
            ance sector. With a robust portfolio encompassing digital transformation,  ƒ˘ª˘f õ˘«˘Ø˘ë˘à˘d ᢰüæ˘e π˘ã˘ª˘j ᢫˘à˘°ùLƒ˘∏˘dG ô˘«˘cƒ˘dG á˘≤˘£˘æ˘e π˘«˘dO ¿CG ᢢcô˘˘°û∏˘˘d
            secure document management, and customized archival solutions, Tejoury
            is poised to enhance operational efficiencies and elevate data security for  äɢ˘˘cGô˘˘˘°ûdG ~˘˘˘≤˘˘˘Y ¢Uô˘˘˘a õ˘˘˘jõ˘˘˘©˘˘˘Jh ᢢ˘£˘˘˘°Sƒ˘˘˘à˘˘˘ª˘˘˘dGh Iô˘˘˘«˘˘˘¨˘˘˘°üdG äɢ˘˘cô˘˘˘˘°ûdG
            its new clientele.                                   äɢcô˘°ûdG ø˘«˘μ˘ª˘J ™˘e ɢgƒ˘ª˘f õ˘˘«˘˘Ø˘˘ë˘˘Jh ᢢ«˘˘∏˘˘ë˘˘ª˘˘dG ¥ƒ˘˘°ùdɢ˘H äɢ˘Ø˘˘dɢ˘ë˘˘à˘˘dGh
            Looking ahead, Tejoury remains steadfast in its commitment to innovation and
            excellence in information management. By integrating Hala’s clients into its  Ée~©H kɢ°Uƒ˘°üNh ɢ¡˘aG~˘gCG ≥˘«˘≤˘ë˘Jh ìɢé˘æ˘dG ø˘e á˘£˘°Sƒ˘à˘ª˘dGh Iô˘«˘¨˘°üdG
            ecosystem, Tejoury aims to cultivate enduring partnerships grounded in trust, reli-
            ability, and mutual success.                         ÜòL »a á«°ùàLƒ∏dG ô«cƒdG á≤£æe øe á«fÉãdGh ≈dhC’G ¿Éà∏MôªdG âëéf
            Tejoury invites both existing and prospective clients to explore the expand-  ™˘e á˘£˘°Sƒ˘à˘ª˘dGh Iô˘«˘¨˘°üdGh ô˘¨˘°üdG ᢫˘gɢæ˘à˘ª˘dG äɢcô˘°ûdG ø˘e ô˘«˘Ñ˘c O~˘Y
            ed capabilities and transformative solutions now available. This acquisition
            not only signifies a strategic alignment of values and goals but also under-  ô˘¨˘°üdG ᢫˘gɢæ˘à˘e äɢcô˘°û∏˘d á˘HPɢLh I~˘YGh á˘¡˘Lƒ˘c ô˘£˘b á˘fɢμ˘e ï˘«˘°Sô˘J
            scores Tejoury’s leadership in redefining industry standards across KSA.  áMÉ°ùe ≈∏Y á«à°ùLƒ∏dG ô«cƒdG á≤£æe ~àªJ å«M ᣰSƒàªdGh Iô«¨°üdGh
                                                                 á«YÉæ°üdG ᣰûfC’G øe áYƒæàe áYƒªée ø° àëJh ™Hôe ôàeƒ∏«c 1^5
                DroppGroup Teams Up with Solana Superteam
                                                                 ;áMƒàØe äÉMÉ°Sh øjõîJ äG~Mhh áØ«ØN πªY ¢TQh ≈dEG êÉàëJ »àdG
              partnering together to Adopt Web3 in Saudi Arabia
                                                                 äɢ˘˘cô˘˘˘°û∏˘˘˘d ƒ˘˘˘ª˘˘˘æ˘˘˘dGh ™˘˘˘°Sƒ˘˘˘à˘˘˘∏˘˘˘d ᢢ˘°üæ˘˘˘eh ᢢ˘«˘˘˘dɢ˘˘˘ã˘˘˘˘e π˘˘˘˘ª˘˘˘˘Y ᢢ˘˘Ä˘˘˘˘«˘˘˘˘H ô˘˘˘˘aƒ˘˘˘˘à˘˘˘˘d
               roppGroup (“dropp”),
            Da pioneer in integrat-                                                                .ᣰSƒàªdGh Iô«¨°üdG
            ing  Al and blockchain                               Iô«¨°üdGh ô¨°üdG á«gÉæàªdG ™jQÉ°ûªdG ¿EÉa I~ëàªdG ºeC’G Ö°ùëHh
            technologies, and Solana
            Superteam, a key player                              ìhGôàJ á°üMh ∫ɪYC’G øe %90 ≠∏ÑJ á°üM ≈∏Y Pƒëà°ùJ ᣰSƒàªdGh
            in the Solana blockchain                             »˘a »˘dɢª˘LE’G »˘∏˘ë˘ª˘dG è˘Jɢæ˘dG ø˘˘e %50h ᢢdɢ˘ª˘˘©˘˘dG ø˘˘e %70h %60 ø˘˘«˘˘H
            ecosystem, are excited to
            announce a strategic                                 ,¿Éμe πc »a äÉ©ªàéª∏d …ô≤ØdG Oƒª©dG ~©J ɪc .ºdÉ©dG AÉëfCG ™«ªL
            partnership  aimed  at                                 .Égƒªfh á«æWƒdGh á«∏ëªdG ájOÉ°üàb’G á∏é©dG ∂jôëJ »a º¡°ùJ å«M
            accelerating the adoption
            of Web3 technologies in  Faisal Al Monai  Alex Scott
            Saudi Arabia.  This  col-
            laboration is setting the stage for transformative growth and innovation  %80 ≈`∏Y ¿hPƒ`ëà°ùj  ô`°üeh äGQÉ`eE’Gh  á`jOƒ`©°ùdG
            across the region by utilizing Web3 to revolutionize both the public and pri-
            vate sectors in Saudi Arabia. Aligning with the Kingdom’s multi-trillion dollar    á«Hô©dG ∫h~dG øe äGQɪãà°S’G øe
            Vision 2030 initiative. Noting that the Key Benefits of the Partnership:
            Expanding Blockchain Use, Leveraging Ecosystem Synergies, Generating         ¿CG »dh~dG πjƒªàdG ~¡©e ™bƒJ
            Educational Growth.
            Faisal Al Monai, Chairman & Co-Founder of droppGroup, said “This collab-     ᢢ˘˘˘˘«˘˘˘˘˘˘aɢ˘˘˘˘˘°üdG äɢ˘˘˘˘˘≤˘˘˘˘˘˘a~˘˘˘˘˘˘˘à˘˘˘˘˘˘˘dG π˘˘˘˘˘˘˘°üJ
            oration is a pivotal step in unlocking the immense potential of blockchain
            technology to revolutionize industries and drive substantial economic growth  º˘«˘≤˘ª˘dG ô˘«˘Z »˘Ñ˘æ˘LC’G Qɢª˘ã˘à˘˘°SÓ˘˘d
            in Saudi Arabia. It signifies the beginning of a global journey for dropp and  »˘˘a Q’hO Qɢ˘«˘˘∏˘˘˘e 149 ƒ˘˘˘ë˘˘˘f ≈˘˘˘dEG
            Solana, as we aim to lead the future of Al and blockchain innovation on an
            international scale”.                                Ωɢ˘˘©˘˘˘dG Q’hO Qɢ˘˘«˘˘˘∏˘˘˘e 115`H ᢢ˘fQɢ˘˘≤˘˘˘e ,§˘˘˘°ShC’G ¥ô˘˘˘°ûdGh ɢ˘˘«˘˘˘˘≤˘˘˘˘jô˘˘˘˘aCG
            Alex Scott, Superteam MENA Lead, stated: “This partnership will accelerate                     .»°VɪdG
            the adoption of blockchain technology in Saudi Arabia and make a meaning-
            ful contribution to Saudi Vision 2030. Together, we are committed to creating  á«Hô©dG áμ∏ªªdGh ô°üe Pƒëà°ùJ ¿CG ,√ôjô≤J »a ~¡©ªdG í q LQh
            a vibrant digital economy and fostering a community that is well-equipped to
            harness the power of Web3”.                           .á≤£æªdG ≈dEG I~aGƒdG äÉ≤a~àdG øe %80 ≈∏Y äGQÉeE’Gh ájOƒ©°ùdG

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