Page 110 - July 2024 Issue 632
P. 110

Preeti Mundhra (CEO – Tree):

             Our vision is to be a leading digital insurer across the MENA region

                ree, the first Digital Insurance Agency in Saudi Arabia, powered by Tawuniya, is
            Tuniquely designed to give customers the flexibility to pick what they need and
            change their choices anytime. Fair pricing, instant support, straightforward
            language and an intuitive design are at its core. With a young, diverse and talented
            team, Tree brings innovative solutions to empower its customers to grow with confi-
            dence. Preeti Mundhra, CEO of Tree, is passionate about turning ideas into realities
            and challenges to possibilities by unlocking the power of digital in order to redefine
            customer experiences, build scale with high growth, create lean operations and lever-
            age agile technology. In a Q & A with Al Bayan Magazine, Mrs. Mundhra gave us a
            comprehensive idea about their company, highlighting the main points of her speech
            at InsureTek Saudi Arabia, talking about the key challenges they faced in the early
            stages of starting up and discussing about their results in 2023. Following is an
            extract from the interview.
                     “We will launch the first pet insurance in Saudi Arabia”

            • Can you give us an idea about Tree?                industry, I hope that we can start using technology in the right way to build
            - Tree is the first digital insurance agency and TPA licensed in Saudi  connections and networks and allow our people to solve more complex
            Arabia. We are a fully owned subsidiary of  Tawuniya which is Saudi  issues and use emotional intelligence a lot more because our industries
            Arabia’s leading insurance company. We have been set up as an inde-  really need a lot more emotional intelligence and technology can solve a
            pendent company to run the full innovation agenda to bring innovative  lot of the other things.
            products, processes and solutions to the Saudi market to start with and
            then expand into the MENA region with our solutions. We are set up as a  • What are some challenges that you faced in building up Tree?
            very lean organization so we can work in a fairly nimble and agile way,  - We are an independent company that has been built from scratch, so
            bringing innovation faster to the market, testing new ideas, experiment-  putting together a  team with the right skillset and mindset was challeng-
            ing a lot more and scaling up efficiently using technology as a foundation.  ing. It is not just enough to have the right skill set, getting the right mind-
            The company has been launched in December 2022 and we went live  set of people who are willing to experiment, have the courage to think
            with our first product which is motor insurance. It is fully digital in terms of  beyond the traditional options & solutions, who can stick to the plan and
            sales and claims, and while we have been growing with the motor insur-  steer when needed is crucial. They need to be mentally agile to work in
            ance sector, there is a lot that has been happening behind the scenes as  such an environment because not everything is predictable. As a result,
            well and thus this year we will see a lot more coming out beyond motor  building the team up from scratch was one of the hardest things but we
            insurance.                                           are very blessed now with a very strong team. Another challenge is find-
                                                                 ing the right gaps in the market where we as a startup should be making
            • On what did you focus in your speech at InsureTek Saudi Arabia?  the most amount of impact, given that there are only few products that
            - Technology is an enabler; it doesn’t replace and solve all the problems.  are really mandatory and rule the insurance P&L. We are constantly look-
            It can’t work in isolation. It is a partner that is used sensibly to create the  ing for new avenues and ways of creating meaningful differentiation.
            right level of automation; thus, allowing people to use their time, intelli-
            gence, IQ and EQ for solving more complex problems rather than just  • Are you satisfied from your results in 2023? What are you expec-
            doing routine jobs. I focused on adopting a human centric approach to  tations going forward into 2024?
            insurance. At Tree, we are in the process of launching the first pet insur-  - 2023 was a year that I personally will never forget. It was an extremely
            ance for Saudi Arabia. It is a product that is not available in the country  intense year especially that so much happened from us going live to us
            yet and it is not a mandatory product. While buying an insurance product  building end-to-end capabilities in the insurance value chain. Nevertheless,
            is not the most exciting thing they will do in their day to day life, talking  being able to set ourselves up was a great achievement. We now have
            about their pets and sharing their stories, concerns and asking questions  over 50 thousand customers that are actively using our motor policies over
            in the community is something that will drive a lot of interest. So, we have  Saudi Arabia. Moreover, a lot of lessons have been learned in terms of how
            taken a community approach asking                                           to set the team up to scale efficiently
            ourselves questions like: As an insur-                                      when we grow bigger so having a lean
            ance provider, can we bring more                                            technology from the very beginning
            awareness into the market and build                                         and meeting all the regulatory require-
            more responsible community? There is                                        ments was essential while setting up
            so much work that is yet to be done in                                      our business. In respect to 2024, it is a
            terms of building responsible behav-                                        lot about scaling up motor and living
            iours, engaged communities and giv-                                         true to what our original vision is to be
            ing people a sense of pride in co-creat-                                    a leading digital insurer across the
            ing a product with an insurance com-                                        MENA region, which means going
            pany. With the pet insurance, we are                                        beyond motor and introducing a lot of
            actively working with the pet loving                                        other interesting solutions. We also
            community in Riyadh, getting their                                          want to work closely on enabling full
            feedbacks, understanding their pain                                         digital journeys for micro companies
            points and then coming out with the                                         and small industries, , retaining our
            solution that answers many of their                                         experimental mindset and growing with
            existing pains and problems.  As an                                         confidence.
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