Page 106 - July 2024 Issue 632
P. 106

Abdullah Biary

               (Cyber Security Subcommittee Member - KSA Insurance Authority) (Previously CISO - UCA):

                 We are very satisfied with our results

               ince its foundation, United Cooperative Assurance (UCA) has appointed experienced staff
            Swith high technical capabilities to fulfill the immediate and future needs of its clients and
            having constantly anticipated the daily demand of new insurance coverage and making them
            available. UCA still repeats the same story of success day after day presenting the same high
            standards of quality, service and integrity; thus, positioning itself as one of the insurance indus-
            try leaders in the Kingdom. Abdullah Biary, previous Chief Information Security Officer at
            UCA and currently one of the Cyber Security Subcommittee Member in Saudi Arabia’s
            Insurance Authority, was among the prominent people who participated at the InsureTek Saudi
            Arabia along with several of his colleagues. On the sidelines of the event, Al Bayan Magazine
            met Mr. Biary and conducted the following interview.
           “   Insurers can mitigate their own risks & contribute to climate resilience by promoting sustainability ”

            • What is the added value behind your participation at  • In your opinion, to what extent is sustainability important in
            InsureTek Saudi Arabia?                              the insurance industry nowadays?
            - InsureTek Saudi Arabia provides an important platform for all ven-  - Insurance leaders must prepare for shifting regulations, consumer
            dors and insurance companies to get unified into one place where  demands, and environmental risks by recognizing their role in sus-
            they can each share and gain knowledge from one another, and as  tainability. By actively addressing environmental risks and promoting
            you know, insurance is based on experiences, risks and many other  sustainability, insurance companies are better equipped to mitigate
            factors so having all these people, that deal with insurance whether  their own losses and contribute to climate resilience. The better an
            in Saudi Arabia or across the MENA region, put in one place and lis-  insurer understands and manages climate-related perils, the more
            tening to sessions by experts and organizations that are well-known,  effective they can be in assisting policyholders and therefore, serv-
            this provides unlimited knowledge that one could gain and utilize it  ing their primary role in our society during times of need. But while
            and put it back in his workplace. Thus, it is very essential to attend  insurers are making considerable strides in embracing sustainabili-
            such type of conferences.                            ty, the path forward isn’t free of challenges. Assessing climate risks
                                                                 in the insurance industry is a complex process, and without signifi-
            • How are you implementing AI and digitalization to enhance  cant precedents to follow, insurance leaders must newly discover
            your products and services?                          data analysis and modeling opportunities. Nevertheless, the impor-
            - From a security perspective, we utilize artificial intelligence to pre-  tance of sustainability in the insurance industry is undeniable—and
            vent ourselves from ransomware and zero-day attacks. AI main fac-  efforts to reduce carbon emissions can certainly drive long-term
            tor is the amount of data you feed into it and how we synchronize  profitability. Insurance companies must turn to CSOs who are data-
            and feed AI for it to be intelligent. Thus, if we have good data and  driven, business-minded, and champions of ESG goals to effective-
            feed it into the AI, we will have a system that is very productive and  ly navigate the current insurance market and pursue the expansive
            we can utilize the AI instead of having day-to-day tasks which take  benefits of going green.  And insurers must grant sustainability
            numerous of hours, algorithms and calculations. In Saudi Arabia for  executives the authority and resources to drive widespread trans-
            instance, right now it takes around a minute and 30 seconds to get  formation.
            an insurance policy whereas in other parts of the world it is around
            five minutes. Thus, AI is definitely a
            factor here and digital transformation                                     •  Are you satisfied from your
            is also another factor.                                                    results in 2023?
                                                                                       - We are very satisfied with our
            • What are some challenges that                                            results. If we talk about cyber securi-
            you are facing in the industry?                                            ty, we have accomplished the
            - Everybody is talking about AI with-                                      required maturity level of our regula-
            out even knowing that it is a big word                                     tors and we have also accomplished
            and comes with its own major risks.                                        the ISO certification only within three
            Therefore, companies should assess                                         years of establishing the cyber secu-
            it very well before adopting such tech-                                    rity department. In addition, we have
            nology, keeping in mind that right now                                     won various awards and that comes
            unfortunately we don’t have any regu-                                      with the support of the regulators and
            latory requirements when it comes to                                       their enforcement.  As long as the
            AI. I believe that all countries should                                    Kingdom is very well regulated, and
            have artificial intelligence regulated                                     we are getting the support from the
            so it can be fully utilized in a safe and                                  regulators, we will be able to achieve
            proper way.                                                                all our goals.
            2024 (ƒ«dƒj) Rƒ“  - 632 O~©dG - ájOÉ°üàb’G ¿É«ÑdG                                                  106
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