Page 30 - 33rd Edition GAIF Pre-Conference May 2022 Issue 606
P. 30
Zainab Khatib, Lockton participating on a Cybersecurity
panel discussion at the Capital Club Dubai
The rapid digitalization in the security, yet he cannot rely sole-
United Arab Emirates and ly on his IT department for pro-
Saudi Arabia has triggered an tection. “Cybersecurity needs to
increase in connected devices be part of the business risk bud-
and opened new gateways for get. The goal is to make sure that
cyberattacks. As the digital realm any cybercrime incident stays
becomes the new norm, Capital localized, and you have ade-
Club Dubai, a forward-thinking quate defense response mecha-
global collective private Club of nisms in place”. They proclaimed
business leaders and innovators that the top 3 most common cyber-
who share a curiosity and pos- crimes are ransomware, hacking
sess the will and means to shape and emails & internet fraud.
a better future for the region and
beyond, brought a panel of Moreover, they stated that when
experts who look at cybersecuri- attacked, having a back-up sys-
ty from different perspectives on tem does not eliminate the threat
the risks and how to be proactive completely and that one could
in preventing a data breach. face a bigger problem later unless
a thorough investigation has been
Zainab Khatib, Vice President at carried out to understand how the
Lockton MENA, was among the attack took place, and one verifies
prominent leaders who participated in the panel discus- that the back-up system is clean, adding that the malware
sion on Cybersecurity. The speakers shed light on vari- can be deployed and embedded into the organization trig-
ous topics and hereby are some key takeaways from the gering the threat to multiply in the system.
interesting cybersecurity panel discussion.
“Cybersecurity measures are weak in SMEs, which is a
They said that the corporations are moving functions and real problem for the GCC region, with threat gaps that
systems from on-premises to the cloud, which makes affect the entire supply chain”, the speakers said. They
them more vulnerable, stating that over 50% of attacks stated that with an increase of ease of doing business
take place through stolen credentials, and cyberespi- and entrepreneurial activities on the rise, the UAE is very
onage is extremely prevalent, both on State and exposed. “According to one report there are 630,000
Corporation level, announcing that the human behavior websites here, but over 60% are hosted outside the
aspect is not given enough focus in ensuring that any region, exposing the country to the world.” They assured
company is more secure and that the leadership needs that the need is to move from tech focus security to ser-
to make employees feel safe to report a mistake “click” vice focus, with more managed service providers (MSPs)
so that the problem does not spread. The speakers in this space, announcing that more compliance mea-
assured that it is impossible to think one can be 100% sures are needed for certain minimum cybersecurity
secure, mentioning that one can get the highest level of standards to be in place for all organizations.
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