Page 28 - 33rd Edition GAIF Pre-Conference May 2022 Issue 606
P. 28

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 Reinsurance Capacity remains concentrated in                                             Gaif Forums represent an excellent platform
           the hands of few major players
                                                                                       * In your opinion, what are some of the advantages achieved from previ-
* Other topics discussed in the conference are related to Internet and                 ous Forums? Do you think that the GAIF succeeded in stimulating the
cyber risks, climate change and epidemics. What are its effects on the                 exchange of insurance and reinsurance premiums between Arab mar-
sector and how can we plan for it?                                                     kets?
- On top of the Pandemic Threats, Our Industry is facing other challenges              - Gaif Forums represent an excellent platform for the gathering of all Arab pro-
notably Cyber Risks and Climate change.                                                fessionals together with their reinsurance providers.
Cyber criminals are exploiting Work from Home (WFH) wider practice to                  On line conferencing and remote meetings have provided a suitable solution
launch more attacks. During 2021, Cybercrime cost is estimated at $ 6 Trillion.        during lockdown periods, but everyone agrees this cannot replace face to face
Ransomware demands are said to have increased by 90% during the first half             meetings.
2021. Hackers are going beyond the Data of their targets and threatening also          The recent shift to more remote work and less business travel could well trans-
connected partners.                                                                    late into higher attendance of such conferences expected to take on significant
In this context, Cybersecurity is now attracting more attention at all levels includ-  importance for sharing ideas and experiences.
ing directors in the view of enhancing controls for prevention and detection. There    The interaction during such event is not restricted only to the purchase of rein-
is also the need to adopt every measure to enhance chances of recovery.                surance but extends to exposure to people , talents , products , ideas and
The Cyber Insurance Market valued at around $8 Billion in 2021, has a                  practices..
tremendous potential of growth driven by stronger demand and sharp increase            At the same time, this is no doubt the right opportunity to stimulate exchange
of Premium levels. We should bear in mind Loss ratio for global direct book            of business within the region.
has jumped from 47 to 73 % in 2020.                                                    Considering the strong financial strength of many Arab insurers , we are wit-
Reinsurance Capacity remains concentrated in the hands of few major play-              nessing a trend where these players are keen on developing an inwards book
ers, which explains tighter terms, lower limits, higher deductibles and more           thus growing their presence across the Mena countries and internationally.
extensive exclusions. The modelling of aggregates remains also a challenging           The Gaif is the best Forum to encourage the development of Business
area to Proportional Reinsurers.                                                       retained in our Home Countries vide a preferred reinsurance rooting, privileg-
In this particular environment Nasco has designed in cooperation with one of           ing domestic and regional players.
the Major Reinsurers an underwriting platform to distribute and manage Cyber           It is essential here to point out, Regulators in every market should ensure the
Insurance to SMEs in the Region. We are also offering another product for              concerned risk carriers are technically and financially fit for the exercise.
Personal Cyber with the view of enhancing Risk awareness.
In respect of Climate change, it is well established that global weather patterns      Our focus today is to keep up with our strategy of geographi-
have changed over the recent decade and consequently traditional cat mod-               cal expansion and secure wider diversification of our book
els in place based on historical data may not disclose accurately the true
extent of potential exposure. An increasing number of large insurers have              * What can you tell participants about the progress made by your com-
already started adopting climate specific stress testing to arrive to better           pany in the recent years?
assessment of their financial resilience.                                              - Nasco 2021 results demonstrate a continued growth in both turnover and
The findings of the Central Bank in France based on their 2021 stress test indi-       profits. The same trend is reflected in the figures of the first quarter 2022 . We
cate that Natural disaster claims could increase up to 5 fold in the most vul-         fully recognize this achievement is driven by the trust and the confidence of
nerable regions, which would require substantial premium increase in the               our client base.
coming years.
Considering the possible escalation in exposure, as a result of global warm-                                                      Our focus today is to keep up with our strat-
ing, Our industry will need to cope not only                                                                                      egy of geographical expansion and secure
with underwriting risk but also the devalua-                                                                                      wider diversification of our book. The
tion, by financial markets, of assets within                                                                                      stronger appetite for retail business has
investment portfolios exposed to climate                                                                                          also encouraged us to privilege strategic
risk.                                                                                                                             partnership with reinsurance providers with
It is obvious, regulators will be pushing                                                                                         the view of supporting our clients on the
insurers to reshape their business model                                                                                          product innovation front.
and integrate climate considerations in their                                                                                     Nasco services on Cat modeling and the
underwriting processes and the solvency                                                                                           optimization of reinsurance structures offer
margin calculation. We have seen already                                                                                          our partners solid support in identifying best
many players cutting exposure to carbon                                                                                           reins solutions and monitoring exposures.
intensive industries, and encouraging miti-                                                                                       We are also streamlining our processes
gation by adjusting premiums to “green”                                                                                           with enhanced automation securing more
behaviors.                                                                                                                        transparency and greater efficiency.

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