Page 50 - March 2022 Issue 604
P. 50
Tareq Amin äÉ°û«£b …OÉa
(CEO of Rakuten Symphony & :(¿OQ’G-GLOBITEL πà«Hƒ∏L ácô°T ¢ù«FQ ÖFÉfh ¢ù°SƒD e)
CEO of Rakuten Mobile, Inc - Japan):
á©°SGh AÓªY I~YÉb AÉæÑH ÉæJô«°ùe ∫ÓN Éæëéf
Middle East should become a massive
GLOBITEL πà«Hƒ∏L ácô°T â°ù°SÉC J
technology hub and building a pure ≈˘˘∏˘˘Y ⶢ˘aɢ˘M ~˘˘bh ,1996 Ωɢ˘Y »˘˘a
∫ÓN øe »LƒdƒæμàdG QÉμàH’E ÉH É¡eGõàdGE
R&D center is my biggest ambition äÉéàæeh áe~≤àe áéeôÑe ∫ƒ∏M ô«aƒJ
∞˘∏˘à˘î˘e »˘a AÓ˘ª˘©˘∏˘d IOƒ˘é˘dG ᢫˘dɢY
Tareq Amin, CEO of äÉe~N …Ohõe ∂dP »a ɪH ,äÉYÉ£≤dG
Rakuten Symphony ᢫˘dɢª˘dG äɢe~˘î˘dG »˘e~˘≤˘eh ä’ɢ°üJ’G
& CEO of Rakuten á«eƒμëdG äÉ°ù°SƒD ªdGh ∫É°üJ’G õcGôeh
Mobile in Japan, is respon-
sible for driving end to end .á«ë°üdG ájÉYôdG »e~≤eh ᫪«∏©àdGh
Network evolution, Service ô«N’C G ~≤©dG ∫ÓN ácô°ûdG âëéf ~bh
assurance and Automation äÉcô°ûdG ºgGC øe âJÉHh ,É«≤jôaGC ∫ɪ°Th §°Sh’C G ¥ô°ûdG ¥Gƒ°SGC º¶©e ¥GôàNGE »a
of cloud-native 4G/5G net- .∫É°üJ’E G äÉcô°ûd äÉeƒ∏©ªdG á«æ≤J ∫Éée »a É¡dƒ∏Mh É¡JÉe~N Ω~≤J »àdG
work. In this role, he is ¢ù°SƒD ˘e zá˘jOɢ°üà˘b’G ¿É˘«˘Ñ˘dG{ â≤˘à˘dG ,»ŸÉ˘©˘dG ∫Gƒ÷G ô“ƒD ˘e ¢ûeɢg ≈˘∏˘Yh
responsible for overseeing :QGƒ◊G π«°UÉØJ »∏j Ée ‘h äÉ°û«£b …OÉa ,πà«Hƒ∏L ácô°T ¢ù«FQ ÖFÉfh
all aspects of the Network
transformation, ?ô°üeh ¥Gô©dG ‘ ™°Sƒà∏d ºcQÉ«àNGE AGQh ÜÉÑ°S’C G »g Ée ¯
Technology Development ƒ˘ë˘f™˘°Sƒ˘à˘∏˘d kɢHPɢL Ók ˘eɢYh kɢª˘¡˘e kGõ˘aɢMÓ˘μ˘°TI~˘YGƒ˘dG¢Uô˘Ø˘dGhäɢfɢμ˘e’G-
and Automation, including ∫h~dG ∞∏àîe ø«H I~«MƒdG ô°üe ádhO ¿GC í°VGƒdG øe »dÉàdÉHh .ájô°üªdGh á«bGô©dG ø«bƒ°ùdG
innovation, development ,z19-~«aƒc{ áëFÉé∏d »Ñ∏°ùdG ôK’C G ºZQ á©ØJôe ƒªf Ö°ùf ≥«≤ëJ »a âëéf »àdG á«Hô©dG
and operations. His entrepreneurial spirit led him to conceptualize, ¥ƒ°ù∏d áÑ°ùædÉH ÉeGC .áJhÉØàe Ö°ùæH ƒªædG ä’~©e É¡«a â©LGôJ »àdG iôN’C G ∫h~dG ¢ùμY ≈∏Y
develop, and launch a disruptive next-generation OSS which .Ék fÉ«MG Iô≤à°ùªdG ô«Z ´É°Vh’Gh ôWÉîªdG øe ºZôdÉH ,áªî°V ƒªf ¢Uôa É¡«a øªμàa á«bGô©dG
encompasses artificial intelligence (AI), scalable real-time machine ?¥ƒ°ùdG »a É¡JÓ«ãe øY Égõ«ªj …òdG Éeh πà«Hƒ∏L É¡à≤≤M »àdG äGRÉéf’E G RôHGC »g Ée ¯
learning models, strategic insights, and other meaningful Big Data äɢª˘dÉ˘μ˘ª˘dG π˘«˘∏˘ë˘à˘H ≥˘∏˘©˘à˘j ɢe »˘a á˘≤˘£˘æ˘ª˘dG iƒ˘à˘°ùe ≈˘∏˘Y I~˘FGô˘dG äɢcô˘°ûdG ø˘e ~˘©˘of -
Science techniques. His personal mission in life is building a pure äÉ¡édG ø«H äÉKOÉëªdG π«∏ëJh π«é°ùJ ᫪gGC øe kÉbÓ£fGE "SPEECH ANALYTICS"
R&D center. About this ambition and other things, Al Bayan ≈dG ±É° jh .áØ∏àîªdG äÉYÉ£≤dGh äÉcô°ûdG ÖfÉL øe ™°SGh ΩɪàgÉH ≈¶ëj Gògh ,á∏°üàªdG
Magazine conducted the following interview with Mr. Amin. ¢ùaÉæe…GC ¿hOá«Hô©dGá¨∏dÉHäɪdÉμªdGπ«∏ëJáe~NôaƒJá«HôYácô°ûc¿hQƒîaøëf,∂dP
OÉéjGE h äGô¨ãdG ~j~ëJ ≈∏Y ±QÉ°üªdGh äÉcô°ûdG I~YÉ°ùe ±~¡H Gògh ,á≤£æªdG iƒà°ùe ≈∏Y
* What is your strategy for the Middle East region? øe ¢VGôàYGE …GC OƒLh ∫ÉM »a πª©dG ÖMÉ°Uh 𫪩dG ø«H IƒéØdG ¢ü«∏≤àd áÑ°SÉæªdG ∫ƒ∏ëdG
- I was born in Amman, Jordan and my dream has been to take all the äÉcô°ûdGAGOGC ø«°ùëJ᫨H∂dPh,áªdÉμªdG»aAÉLÉeRôHGC øY¢üî∏eºj~≤J~©HôN’B G±ô£dG
lessons learned i have done over my career working in the US, building SPEECHLOG RETAIL áFõéàdG ´É£≤H á°UÉN áe~N ºj~≤J ≈dG áaÉ°V’E ÉH .Éæ©e á∏eÉ©àªdG
almost 13 cities in telecom there and from the US moving to India and
then to Japan. All this have taught me about the importance of engi- .á∏°üàªdG äÉ¡édG ø«H áKOÉëªdG IOƒL π«∏ëJ ≈dG ±~¡J
neering and R&D for the future, the importance of AI and software to the ?áæ«©e äÉ¡L øe á≤aGƒe áe~îdG √òg π«©ØJ Ö∏£àj πg ¯
world; thus, a very personal passion agenda for me was that I will def- π«é°ùJøYIQÉÑYƒg¬HΩƒ≤fÉeπcå«ëH,á«æe’C GäÉÑ∏£àªdGhô«jÉ©ªdG»YGôjèeÉfôÑdGGòg,Óc-
initely one day go back to the Middle East. It is my home, so I want to äÉcô°Th á«eƒμM äÉ¡L ™e QÉW’G Gòg »a πeÉ©àfh .áKOÉëªdG ∫ƒM ¢üî∏e ºj~≤Jh äɪdÉμªdG π«∏ëJh
be able to take the Middle East to another stage because at this stage .iôN’C GäÉYÉ£≤dGøe~j~©dGhá«æe’C GIõ¡L’Ghø«eÉC JäÉcô°Th±QÉ°üªdGøYÓ° a,á°UÉN
when I look at it, I still don’t see the innovation. I see many people from ô«jÉ©e ≈∏YGC ô«aƒàd áe~îà°ùªdG πFÉ°SƒdG »g Ée ,á«fhôàμd’E G äGAG~àY’E G ~jGõJ ™e ¯
the Middle East like me that traveled and lived all over the world and I
always wondered why are we not back building and innovating a new ?ºμJÉfÉ«Ñd ájɪëdGh øe’C G
foundation what the Middle East should become. It should become a ~°VäÉ«éeôÑdG√ògájɪMhøeGC ô«aƒJÉ¡©eø«∏eÉ©àªdGäÉcô°ûdGhäÉ¡édG≈∏YÖLƒàj-
massive technology hub.
.ÉJG~dGh äÉeƒ∏©ªdG ájɪM øeGC ¿Éª°V Éæ≤JÉY ≈∏Y ™≤j ’ »dÉàdÉHh ,á«fhôàμd’E G äGAG~àY’E G
* Are you aiming to open an office in UAE as a Hub for the region? áë°üdG IQGRh ™e ÉfhÉ©J z19-~«aƒc{ áëFÉédG Iôàa ∫ÓN ¬fGC ≈dG IQÉ°T’E G øe ~H ’h
Rakuten Symphony and Rakuten as a whole will make a significant ø«æWGƒªdG øe ~j~©dG ¿ÉC H í° JGE äɪdÉμªdG π«∏ëàH ΩÉ«≤dG ~©Hh ,∫ÉéªdG Gòg »a ¿OQ’G »a
commitment in R&D in the Middle East . It is not about building sales É¡YÉÑJGE ÖLGƒdG á«FÉbƒdG ¥ô£dGh ìÉ≤∏dG òNGC ᫪gGC ∫ƒM á«aÉμdG áaô©ªdGh »YƒdG ¿ƒμ∏ªj ’
but a pure R&D center. This will be my personal mission in life, I want ∞«≤ãàd á«YƒJ äÓªM ¿OQ’C G »a áë°üdG IQGRh â≤∏WGC Éæg øeh .AÉHƒdG QÉ°ûàfGE ¢ü«∏≤àd
to make an impact in the new generation that we will recruit and cater âbƒdG ô«aƒJ øe ÉæμªJ á≤jô£dG √ò¡Hh .™ªàéªdG ájɪM »dÉàdÉHh »YƒdG IOÉjRh ø«æWGƒªdG
in the Middle East and the conclusion of Rakuten Symphony in the ᢩ˘jô˘°ùdG á˘Hɢé˘à˘°S’E Gh π˘cɢ°ûª˘dG π˘ë˘d ᢫˘ë˘°üdG äɢ¡˘é˘dG ÖfɢL ø˘e á˘dhò˘Ñ˘ª˘dG Oƒ˘¡˘é˘dGh
Middle East is to expand our offices. I don’t want to be known as hav-
ing a sales office but I want a pure engineering operation in the region, ¯.º¡JÉLÉ«àMGE á«Ñ∏Jh ø«æWGƒªdG ä’hD É°ùàd
a company that will help many of the operators and enterprises in the
region through their journey of transformation and really focus on soft- 50
ware, cloud, new cutting edge platforms for AI and machine learning.
* How fast are you going to proceed with your plans?
- Much faster than you think. I went and visited three mobile world con-
gresses in Dubai and I was really impressed with what I have seen and
I told my team that now we need to go and enter the market. First thing
that I want to do in Rakuten Symphony is to hold a technology work-
shop for that region as a whole. We will open up an R&D development
center in the Middle East and we will bring all the know-how and the
partners of Symphony are massive cooperations whether it is Intel,
Qualcomm, Cisco, etc… This is my personal ambition and I think now
is the time to do that.
2022 (¢SQÉe) QGPG - 604 O~©dG - ájOÉ°üàb’G ¿É«ÑdG