Page 48 - March 2022 Issue 604
P. 48
Kamal Ballout (Nokia): §°Sh’G ¥ô°ûdG ‘ ᪫b ≈∏Y’G ájQÉéàdG ᪰ùdG ´QO âdÉf
MWC22 »a stc ácô°ûd âa’ Qƒ° M
We address needs of both ser-
vice providers and enterprises
With more than 20 years of experience in telecommunications and net- TD-LTE IQOÉÑe ɡશf »àdG õ«q ªàdG IõFÉL ,stc áYƒªée ä~°üM
working, Kamal Ballout, Head of Enterprise Middle East, Africa, China âfô˘à˘fE’ »˘cò˘dG »˘Ä˘«˘Ñ˘dG Ωɢ¶˘æ˘dG{ »˘a ɢ¡˘à˘ª˘gɢ°ùª˘d ,(GTI) ᫪˘dɢ©˘dG
and India at Nokia, leads all aspects of Nokia GTM to address enterprise mar- ôªJDƒe ∫ÓN IõFÉédG ø```Y ¿Ó```Y’E G º```Jh .zô````μàѪdG AÉ«°T’C G
ket in this region and help them transform toward 4th industrial revolution. He MWC22 ôªJƒD e ¢ûeÉg ≈∏Y ~≤Yo …òdG ,"GTI Online Summit 2022"
is also an industry thought leader in smart grid communications solutions. äÉe~N ºj~≤àH Iô«ÑμdG É¡àªgÉ°ùªd stc ºjôμJ ºJ ɪc .áfƒ∏°TôH »a
Ballout is very personable, experienced and intelligent especially in the area of data 4G á˘μ˘Ñ˘°T ô˘jƒ˘£˘J ø˘e ø˘qμ˘ª˘J Iô˘μ˘à˘Ñ˘eh á˘∏˘≤˘æ˘à˘e ∫ƒ˘∏˘Mh äɢ≤˘«˘Ñ˘£˘Jh
communications systems and applications. He knows he has all the talents and capa-
bilities to be a successful leader. Al Bayan Magazine met Mr. Ballout on the sidelines .∫ɪY’C G äÉYÉ£bh ø«μ∏¡à°ùª∏d Enterprise Network Solutionsh
of MWC 2022 and conducted the following interview. Below is the Q & A. ôªJƒD e øª°V ,kÉ° jGC stc âª∏à°SGE ,»dhO ¥É≤ëà°SGE h ~j~L RÉéfÉE Hh
iƒà°ùe ≈∏Y ᪫b ≈∏Y’C G ájQÉéàdG ᪰ùdG ´QO ,»ªdÉ©dG ∫Gƒq édG
“ Our objective is to reduce CO2 emissions, ᢫˘dɢª˘LGE á˘ª˘«˘≤˘H ä’ɢ°üJ’E G ´É˘£˘b ø˘ª˘°V §˘°Sh’C G ¥ô˘°ûdG á˘≤˘£˘æ˘e
putting more emphasis on sustainability ”
.Brand Finance øe Q’hO QÉ«∏e 10 øe ôãcGC äRhÉéJ
* How do you evaluate the Mobile World Congress for this year? ∫GƒédG ôªJƒD e »a É¡àcQÉ°ûe ¢ûeÉg ≈∏Y stc áYƒªée â©bh ɪc
- The MWC this year has demonstrated the need for connectivity, the emer- áYÉæ°U OGhq Q ™e äÉ«bÉØJ’E G øe Gk O~Y ,áfƒ∏°TôH »a MWC22 »ªdÉ©dG
gence of the customers was as strong as we would expected to be because Rô˘HGC âfɢch .º˘dɢ©˘dG »˘a äɢeƒ˘∏˘©˘ª˘dG ᢫˘æ˘≤˘Jh äɢμ˘Ñ˘°ûdGh ä’ɢ°üJ’E G
there is a common understanding that, as people, we need to be connect- π˘à˘fGE h …hGƒ˘gh ɢ«˘cƒ˘fh ¿ƒ˘°ùμ˘jQGE á˘cô˘°T ø˘e π˘c ™˘e äɢ«˘bÉ˘Ø˘J’E G
ed. Also, more importantly industries need to be evolving to a more intelli- ™˘«˘°Sƒ˘à˘d ,iô˘NGC äɢcô˘°T ø˘Y Ók ˘° a âaƒ˘°Shô˘μ˘jɢeh ƒ˘μ˘°ù«˘°Sh
gent, efficient and connected universe that takes advantage of digitalization, áÑ°Sƒ˘ë˘dGh ᢫˘Hɢ뢰ùdG äɢe~˘î˘dGh ¢ùeɢî˘dG π˘«˘é˘dG äɢμ˘Ñ˘°T ô˘jƒ˘£˘Jh
machine intelligence, AI, machine learning, etc. This is why the audience Aɢ°ûfGE ≈˘dGE á˘aɢ°V’E ɢH ,á˘Mƒ˘à˘Ø˘ª˘dG ᢫˘ª˘bô˘dG ᢫˘æ˘Ñ˘dG ™˘jô˘°ùJh ᢫˘aô˘£˘dG
that we are getting in the exhibition have a dual interest. In one hand, they AÓª©dG áHôéJ õjõ©àd ∂dPh ,zçQGƒμdG øe »aÉ©à∏d äÉfÉ«H õcôe{
are interested in connecting people and making sure that people have real-
time connectivity and the second interest is how we can take that connec- .áμ∏ªªdÉH »ªbôdG ∫ƒëàdG ø«μªJh
tivity concept and overlay it on industries to turn them into more productive, äÉcô°T ôÑcGC ø«H Ék àa’ Gk Qƒ° M stc â∏é°S ,ΩÉjGC 4 i~e ≈∏Yh
automated and efficient environment. áYƒªéªdGh áμ∏ªªdG äGRÉéfGE â°Vô©à°SGE h ,ºdÉ©dG »a ä’É°üJ’E G
äÉeG~îà°SGE ≈∏Y stc ácQÉ°ûe äõcQ å«M ,᫪bôdG á«àëàdG á«æÑdG »a
* In what sense Nokia is focusing on sustainability and reducing CO2 ÅfGƒªdG §HQh äÉJƒHhôdG ™e ¿hÉ©àdG ÉgRôHGC ,¢ùeÉîdG π«édG äÉ«æ≤J
emissions? äɢ«˘æ˘≤˘à˘dGh ᢫˘°VGô˘à˘a’E G ÖYÓ˘ª˘dG ≥˘«˘Ñ˘£˘Jh ¢ùeɢî˘dG π˘«˘é˘dG á˘μ˘Ñ˘°ûH
- Nokia has taken the objective of reducing CO2 emissions, putting more ô˘«˘«˘¨˘à˘dG ™˘aGhOh äɢgɢé˘JGE ᢰûbɢæ˘eh ,á˘eG~˘à˘°S’E G ÜQɢé˘Jh ᢫˘dɢª˘dG
emphasis on sustainability. That evolves from our own manufacturing and πLGC øe äGOÉ°üàb’E Gh äÉ©ªàéª∏d á∏ªàëªdG ¢UôØdGh »LƒdƒæμàdG
work environment, being more green and efficient, as well as more environ- »˘fGô˘Ñ˘«˘°ùdG ø˘e’C Gh ,á˘eG~˘à˘°S’E G π˘ã˘e ᢫˘ª˘dɢ©˘dG äɢj~˘ë˘à˘dG á˘¡˘LGƒ˘e
mentally friendly. We also wanted to make sure that the equipment and solu-
tions that we are deploying in the market have the environment in mind. In .áæªbôdGh
our solutions, either we implicitly or explicitly address the environmental
concerns. Implicitly by deploying networks that operate by less power and 48
generate less heat, we make sure that we are doing a lot more of the same
hardware platform with a lot less power. We are also addressing the needs
of industries like rail, mining, power utilities, etc. that are using our portfolio
to build a solution that will have a net effect of improving the efficiency of
those industries. By improving efficiencies, not only we are improving the
productivity but the by-product effect of this is making sure that we are
enabling these industries to be less polluting and more focused on renew-
able energy.
* Are you satisfied from your presence in the GCC region?
- We are very satisfied. Middle East and Africa is part of the region I man-
age and our presence here is balanced between addressing the needs of
service providers and the needs of enterprises. Throughout our demos in
our booth, we are demonstrating our technologies in such a way where we
can show the value for service providers and making sure that we are illus-
trating the use cases and the value for the end customers which are oil &
gas, ports, healthcare, airports, logistics, public safety, defense, finance,
education, etc. and we are seeing quite a lot of interest from both the enter-
prises and service providers.
2022 (¢SQÉe) QGPG - 604 O~©dG - ájOÉ°üàb’G ¿É«ÑdG