Page 256 - january-2022-issue-602-part2
P. 256
* Can you give us an idea about your company? access to the information they need. Our aim is to have a point
- We completed the acquisition transaction with Al Hilal Bank of sale from each and every touch point with a quick claims res-
and ADCB at the end of 2021. As a result, a rebrand followed. olution process. However, our digital proposition is not our only
We were venturing out into other takaful activities and so a plan to differentiate ourselves in the current market. We want to
rebrand seemed fitting to align with our new vision; Reimagining provide non-insured complementary services alongside this.
Islamic Insurance for All. For instance, YAS Club is our loyalty programme where we focus
We want to be the go-to Islamic insurance provider showcasing on our customers wellbeing by rewarding them accordingly. They
loyalty to our customers and offering top-quality insurance solu- can redeem wellness commodities that range from a free thera-
tions and exceptional customer service. The name ‘YAS’ is per- py session to a weekend staycation with their loved ones -
fectly suited to our future ambition, while referring to the well- achieved through accumulating YAS tokens. It’s more than just
regarded Bani YAS Tribe of the United Arab Emirates. The Bani selling a plan for us. Our mission is to create a community where
YAS name is perfectly aligned with the concept of takaful insur- we can offer customers a seamless and smooth end-to-end
ance, characterised by mutuality and co-operation, encom- experience and reward them along the way. We are also excited
passing the elements of shared responsibility, joint indemnity, to announce another digital proposition that will enhance the YAS
common interest, and solidarity. This was a proud moment for experience in-store, which we will be revealing very soon.
the company as Siraj Holdings PJSC is one of Abu Dhabi’s
leading companies with interests in the financial, industrial, “Because We Care – a slogan that puts our cus-
property development, general trading and oil and gas sectors. tomers on the throne right from the very start”
“We want to look for opportunities that are often * What will be your slogan?
- “Because We Care” - a slogan that puts our customers on the
overlooked by other competitors” throne right from the very start. Having a business model and
mindset that revolves around customer-centricity is essential. I
* What will be your strategy noting that there are too many want to set a new standard in product delivery and customer
Takaful companies in the market? experience as a result of our digital transformation and cus-
tomer care. Our endeavour is to create a sense of brand loyal-
- A key focus over the next few years is to provide an
unmatched digital offering for ty for our customers as we
our customers. The digital promise to offer the most effi-
space has taken off over the cient, trusted, and incompara-
last few years and this shift ble takaful offering. Our slo-
has only been accelerated by gan is there as a constant
the pandemic. Having a reminder to never lose sight
strong digital proposition will of our core values. I am of the
allow us to race ahead of our belief that in return, we will
competitors and scale our have a loyal customer base and a competitive edge over our
plans for growth. Although there is the growing trend around competitors.
digitisation in the insurance industry, with buzzwords such as
insure-tech, many players are yet to walk the walk. We want to * What is your view on the industry mergers and acquisi-
be leading the industry to have a clear plan for digital imple- tions that happened in the last few years in the region?
mentation and delivery. To do this, we will be working on our - When the UAE Insurance Authority merged with the Central
product development, exploring deeper into financial risk, pro- Bank in early 2021, what became apparent is a gradual shift
fessional liability lines and cyber while ensuring an exceptional and a focus on regulation, in particular greater enforcement. I
customer experience. I believe that the most efficient way to predict that over the course of the next year, additional over-
operate is by providing activities to the customer that ensures sight will be put on companies to merge and acquire - which we
they can serve their own accounts, request activities, buy prod- are already starting to see in Saudi Arabia. In addition, the pan-
ucts, and service their existing portfolio. Therefore, our products demic has undoubtedly shaken the market and we expect this
will be continually developed to reflect this digital proposition with will force insurance companies to reconsider their size and the
customer satisfaction at its core. opportunities available to them. Change is the only constant, it’s
our job to adapt, re-strategise and position ourselves to win.
* What differentiates you from other companies in terms
of digitization? * In your opinion, what regulations should be taken to
- There is still a need for face-to-face interactions and individ- improve and support the insurance sector?
ual service requirements, especially when a customer requires - Disruption changes the way companies conduct business, be it
a more complex and bespoke solution. Where we see the better data analytics to improve product offerings, or the use of
opportunity for digital is within the retail and SME space. artificial intelligence reducing underwriting and distribution costs.
Recently this sector has been quick to embrace the digital This in turn, helps create new revenue streams by delivering cus-
switch. Our offering will align with that shift by providing ser- tomised products and services to end users. Consequently, reg-
vices such as our artificial intelligent agent Yassir through the ulatory reforms are required to align with such innovations while
company website and application and potentially other plat- protecting customers throughout their journey.
forms. You can talk to him using voice recognition in both Regulations have now been put in place; the next step is to enforce
English and Arabic to make purchases and process a claim. We these regulations to test their efficiency. We have laid the foundation
want to be the leader in digital transformation in the insurance from a compliance cost perspective and view this as an opportunity
industry and spearhead the new takaful era. Another approach to continually improve - not as a hurdle. We are ready!
will be our WhatsApp chat feature where clients can have quick
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