Page 245 - january-2022-issue-602-part2
P. 245
Jean-Louis Laurent Josi
(CEO - Oman Insurance Company)
OIC is solid & stable and customer
satisfaction is our priority
Jean-Louis Laurent Josi came to Oman Insurance Company with renowned insur-
ance expertise, astute strategic vision and remarkable achievements in his previous
roles. His entrepreneurial leadership, local market knowledge, and remarkable
breadth of experience gained in both mature and emerging markets, guided Oman
Insurance towards significant milestones. Since he handled the management of the
company, Jean-Louis Laurent Josi has always strived to make OIC become a reference
in the region for excellent customer service and to provide outstanding insurance solu-
tions that help create and protect wealth and wellbeing, as well as developing superior
insurance propositions that customers recommend. He believes that quality is never an
accident, it’s a deliberate practice. Al Bayan Magazine met Jean-Louis on the occasion
of its annual special issue and conducted the following interview.
* Covid-19 has accelerated changes in the insurance industry in so many dif- stand the quality of being with a stable company that put customer satisfaction as a
ferent ways. How did you adapt to these changes and what is your business priority. Internally, we make sure to walk the talk: we have a customer satisfaction
model to deal with the current circumstances and to ensure the current and committee and our bonus is notably linked to the satisfaction index. It goes without
future success of your company? saying that focusing so much on the customer experience requires investments but,
- The pandemic has clearly demonstrated that the digital transformation of our busi- ultimately, we know that quality of service is valued by the majority of clients.
ness is paramount. As an industry, in the region, we still have a long way to go but I As part of our investments in customer experience, we have also worked a lot on the
see Covid-19 as a very positive wake-up call. This pandemic has as well reinforced digitalization of the company, digitalization that we see as a key pillar for our future
the critical role we have as insurers namely that to help and support our clients when growth. Surprisingly, while everybody speaks abundantly about digital, the insurance
they are going through difficult times. At OIC, we clearly see this as our key role as digital maturity in the region is still pretty low especially compared to other regions.
insurer: once risk management measures have not been able to prevent a disaster In a way, this is good news since it will give a competitive advantage to those who
from happening, we will pay claims as soon as possible. This is the main service we invest in their digital future.
sell. Similarly, and this has been particularly exacerbated during the Covid environ- Another key development for OIC is to invest in underdeveloped lines of business
ment, when a claim is not payable, we make sure to explain to the insured the ratio- like life business or home business. While in many countries around the world these
nale behind our decision. lines have a very high penetration and is being understood by clients as a key pro-
tecting mechanism, the local penetration is still low which I see as an opportunity.
We were well prepared
Local insurers have, on too many occasions, used and abused the reinsurers
* Insurtech and digitalization are driving the future of insurance industry. What
did you, as a company, do in that sense? * Global reinsurance companies have settled huge compensation due to
- Our digital transformation was initiated well before the pandemic struck. Thanks to Covid-19 & natural catastrophes. Are we starting to see an increase in the
that, when we had the hard confinement in 2020, we were able to switch off from prices and conditions of some lines in the Middle East and North Africa simi-
the office and switch on from the personal places of the employees without any issue lar to the rest of the world?
and this for all employees from underwriters, distribution teams to call center agents. - Local insurers have, on too many occasions, used and abused the reinsurers. For
That was a pretty exceptional achievement. Also, thanks to the pandemic, partial or instance, the property business is barely profitable and several reinsurers require
total work from home is now becoming a norm. This actually accelerated the plan their cedants to share their motor business as a compensation. But what will happen
that we had pre-Covid i.e. to progressively let employees to work several days per in 2022 when the profitability of the motor business will collapse? Insurers and rein-
week from home. surers will lose money. It is time to have lines of business being profitable on their
own and to increase rates when it is necessary. If a cheaper price is again the easy
Challenges linked to the structure of the market solution for tomorrow, the credit risk of the insurers will increase since they will have
no other option to use Tier 2 or Tier 3 reinsurers. Some will say that local govern-
* What are the most challenges the insurance is facing? ments should build their own local reinsurance company in order to be less depen-
- I see several challenges. One is linked to the structure of the market where we still dent on international reinsurers. I don’t believe in that strategy which basically would
have too many insurers and too many players who do believe that they can buy mar- ask local governments to bear the losses international reinsurers are currently pay-
ket share with one main outcome: prices going down. It is a loser’s game but it is still ing for. The only solution is to have long term balanced relationships between all the
there and impacting the profitability of the market. A second challenge, but linked to stakeholders which requires courage, professionalism and expertise from notably
the previous one, is that pricing for different risks has reached extremely unreason- insurers and intermediaries.
able level. For instance, we still see today companies pricing motor risk taking into
account the covid environment while Covid is basically gone in terms of severity & We are proud of what our team have achieved
frequency. A similar trend has been seen in the medical business with extremely low
prices while the “positive” impacts of Covid are gone. Third challenge: several bro- * Are you satisfied from you results in 2021? what are your expectations for 2022?
kers do not play their advisory role well. Too many are acting like a procurement - We are a listed company and our results still have to be approved by the Board so
company and focus on prices only without taking into consideration the financial no release of figures at this stage. That said, 2021 was again an interesting year but
solidity of the company, the customer satisfaction of the company, the claims man- I am proud of what our teams have achieved during these uncertain times. Our
agement of the company or the quality of the reinsurers being used. Similarly, in results also confirm the appropriateness of our focus on building financial solidity &
terms of broker commissions, I see two contradictory trends. The first one is with bro- stability, customer experience and digital transformation. On top of that, I am thrilled
kers asking always higher commissions to compensate for the always lower premi- that OIC has been granted “in-principle” approval from Lloyd’s to launch Syndicate
ums that they sell… while, for the second trend, I see certain intermediaries basical- 2880 under the Syndicate-in-a-Box initiative. The syndicate will operate on the
ly ready to sell their advices at close to zero commissions, giving the message to Lloyd’s platform under the DIFC. We will provide, lead and follow capacity on region-
their client that their advices are not worth a lot. None of these trends is sustainable. al and international facultative business, and will be the first syndicate to operate
from the Lloyd’s Dubai Platform. Furthermore, we recently launched our regional
Our customers are really loyal to us insurance medical solution which will give employees access to a regional network
of 13,000 medical providers. This medical solution was designed with the objective
* What are the latest achievements and developments of your company? of providing a uniform and comprehensive benefit plan for employees working in dif-
- A key achievement is linked to our relentless focus on customer satisfaction which ferent branches of an organization located in different parts of the Middle East and
is reflected in our results with 89% of our clients saying that they are satisfied or very GCC region. Last but not least, we have increased our customer satisfaction by 89
satisfied with OIC. This is why our customers are so loyal to us since they do under- percent which is an extremely good result and above our target despite the tough
environment and Covid being still here.