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                     Rudy Girgis

  (Chief Business Officer – AlJomaih Automotive Company):

The shortage of semiconductors was the main
challenge facing the automotive sector in 2021

Rudy Girgis, Chief Business Officer at AlJomaih Automotive Company, is a
     performance-driven senior business executive with a progressive 30+ year career

distinguished by exceptional success in building, growing, and leading automotive

companies. He is an accomplished turnaround specialist who is highly skilled at

repositioning and leveraging both the company’s and brand’s strengths whilst

delivering outstanding results. Girgis, being an enthusiastic and consummate leader

with operational expertise and an ambassador for the organization;               Al

Bayan Magazine met Mr. Girgis and conducted the following interview for

our special annual edition.

We earned the highest recognition from GM & GAC Motor in terms of the performance as being top Global distributors

* How do you evaluate the automotive sector during 2021?                         * What are the latest realizations of AlJomaih Automotive?
- I think it has been pretty good given the struggles we went through due to     - Technology wise, we have launched the e-commerce portals now for all
ongoing scarcity of inventory due to the semiconductor shortages. Most           the GM brands and also for GAC. We are very active in motor shows with
manufacturers were not able to produce cars at the rate requested by             high profile participation, we are also very active in universities, and shop-
Dealers, but we were fortunate at the same time that we had just about           ping malls; thus, doing a lot of activations to reach out the customers and
enough product to meet most of our customers’ demand. This situation and         create touch points for consumers to better familiarize consumers with our
the challenges faced as a result, has changed the way we operate, we were        products and services. Moreover, we have achieved all our targets with the
a lot more focused on cost reductions initiative without compromising cus-       manufacturers as we have continuously done over the years while earning
tomer care or the services we offered, operation efficiency, lowering over-      the highest recognition from General Motors in terms of the performance
heads, and managing inventories allowed us to adjust to the situation and        and being one of the top Global distributor and also earning the Diamond
still manage the business effectively.                                           award given by GAC Motor to its top global Distributor, which Aljomaih won
                                                                                 in its 3 years since being appointed as KSA’s Distributor.
* Do you think as a dealer, the sales will be impacted by this
challenge?                                                                       * What will be your main strategy for 2022?
- There is still quite a bit of shortage of the semiconductors and it may        - We are expanding our network and footprint throughout KSA, we want to
remain until Q3 of 2022. It’s too soon to have production clarity and when       reach a lot more consumers in areas and regions we were not present in
we could start receiving the vehicles we ordered, depending on the situa-        the past. We dominate quite a bit in the main cities but in the past we didn’t
tion, sales may be once again impacted by 20 to 30 percent, that is signifi-     have a strong presence in the Southern and Western regions, we also plan
cant considering our capabilities, network and workforce we have across          to have an even greater presence in the Northern and Eastern regions to
the Kingdom.                                                                     complete our area coverage plan for all Brands. So, for 2022, this will be our
                                                                                 top priority to start this expansion and provide sales and service facilities to
* Saudi Arabia started witnessing transformation and development in              consumers outside the main cities. Moreover, our objectives will remain
all aspects and women were granted the right to drive. In your opinion,          steady as in previous years, we will focus on customer care and satisfac-
how all this will be reflected on the automotive sector?                         tion as well as hitting all our KPI target for sales, services and parts for all
- I think it is positive, 70 percent of the Saudi population are below the mid-  the brands that we represent in Saudi Arabia. All in all, we are extremely
thirties, and they are a lot more socially active than they ever were, so we     positive especially that the Saudi economy is strong and moving robustly
see more women, and younger people driving. This will be reflected posi-         forward, we are prepared and ready to meet the market demand, and to that
tively on the automotive sector in the sense that customers now are looking      extent, we have taken steps to strengthen our team internally by recruiting
for affordable vehicles which AlJomaih with the Chevrolet, GMC, Cadillac         top quality professionals, providing ongoing training, increasing further our
and GAC are able to provide with a wide selection of vehicles with great         Saudiazation work force, and applying world-class customer care practices
design, state of the art technology, top quality and distinctive luxury while    to ensure that we have our customers’ satisfaction at the forefront of
always maintaining highly competitive pricing. We are very enthusiastic of       everything we do.
the future, as the combination of the youth and the product portfolio that we
have really meets what consumers are looking for at all levels.

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