Page 183 - July 2024 Issue 632
P. 183


         Nader Ibrahim (Marriott):              §≤°ùe ꃪdG ¢ù«éjQ âfÉ°S ™éàæe ¿ÉëààØj ¢ù«éjQ âfÉ°S ¥OÉæa h ¿GOôØdG áYƒªée

        The outlook for the upcoming
       season looks very solid and
           strong in Saudi Arabia

                                                      OGôe ¥QÉW          øjƒcGõæH »æ«L      ¿GOôØdG ø«°ùM ôªY

                                               âfÉ°S ™éàæe ìÉààaG øY ¢ù«éjQ âfÉ°S äÉ©éàæeh ¥OÉæah ¿GOôØdG áYƒªée âæ∏YCG
                                               êõªj .¿Éª o Y áæ£∏°S »a ájQÉéàdG É¡àeÓ©d ~LGƒJ ∫hCG ~©j …òdGh ,§≤°ùe ꃪdG ¢ù«éjQ
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          ader Ibrahim,Cluster General Manager at Marriott
       NHotels Riyadh & GM  for Assila, a Luxury Collection  áYƒªée »fÉØJ ≈∏Y ~cDƒJ IOÉ¡°T áHÉãªH §≤°ùe ꃪdG ¢ù«éjQ âfÉ°S ™éàæe »JCÉjh
       Hotel in Jeddah, brings more than two decades of experience
       in the hospitality sector. He achieved a significant feat by  .IôNÉØdG áaÉ«° dG ´É£b »a I~j~L ô«jÉ©e AÉ°SQEÉH Iô«¡°ûdG ¿GOôØdG
       leading a transformation that placed Assila as the best-per-  ¿CG ≈dEG ,¿GOôØdG áYƒªéªd …ò«ØæàdG ¢ù«FôdG , ¿GOôØdG ø«°ùM ôªY  ~ q «°ùdG QÉ°TCG ,áÑ°SÉæªdG √ò¡Hh
       forming hotel with the best guest experience within
       Marriott’s portfolio in Saudi Arabia. His love for the hospi-  .áaÉ«° dG ´É£b »a õ q «ªàdGh áeÉîØdG äÉjƒà°ù o e ≈∏YCG ≥«≤ëàd É¡JÉ©∏£Jh áYƒªéªdG º«b ¢ùμ©j ™éàæªdG
       tality industry is fueled by the ever-changing nature of the
       work, the chances to travel and experience different cultures,  õ˘à˘jQ äɢ©˘é˘à˘æ˘eh ¥Oɢæ˘Ø˘˘H ¢ù«˘˘Fô˘˘dG á˘˘Ñ˘˘Fɢ˘f , øjƒcGõæH »æ˘«˘L  âM q ô˘˘°U ,ɢ˘¡˘˘Ñ˘˘fɢ˘L ø˘˘eh
       and the opportunity to meet and learn from a diverse array  ɢ¡˘Jɢeƒ˘≤˘e π˘° Ø˘H ¿É˘ª˘ o ©˘d ɢfQɢ«˘à˘NG AɢL{ :á˘∏˘˘Fɢ˘b …Qɢ˘¨˘˘dƒ˘˘Hh ¢ù«˘˘é˘˘jQ âfɢ˘°Sh ¿ƒ˘˘à˘˘dQɢ˘c
       of individuals.  Throughout his career, Mr. Ibrahim has
       proved to be a focused and inspirational leader with strong  É¡àaÉ≤Kh »©«Ñ£dG É¡dɪéH OôØæJ IôgOõe á«MÉ«°S á¡Lh ~©J å«M IO~©àªdG É¡JGõ«ªeh
       interpersonal skills and a unique capacity for empathy which
       translated notably in his ability to build a highly effective                  .zá∏«°UC’G É¡àaÉ«°V Ωôch á q «æ¨dG
       and collaborative senior management team whilst redefining  ™éàæe π¡à°ùj{ :§≤°ùe ꃪdG ¢ù«éjQ âfÉ°S ™éàæe ΩÉY ôj~e , OGôe ¥QÉW  ∫Éb ,√Qh~Hh
       the tone and culture of the organization as a whole. Al Bayan
       Magazine met Mr. Ibrahim during the  Arabian  Travel  Éfô°ùjh .¿Éª o Y áæ£∏°S »a IôNÉØdG äÉ©éàæªdG Ωƒ¡Øªd I~j~L ká∏Môe §≤°ùe ꃪdG ¢ù«éjQ âfÉ°S
       Market and conducted the following interview.
                                               ᢢaɢ˘«˘˘°V ᢢHô˘˘é˘˘à˘˘H ´É˘˘à˘˘ª˘˘˘à˘˘˘°S’G ≈˘˘˘dEG ¿ƒ˘˘˘ë˘˘˘ª˘˘˘£˘˘˘j ø˘˘˘ª˘˘˘e ¿É˘˘˘ª˘˘˘ o Y êQɢ˘˘Nh π˘˘˘NGO ø˘˘˘e ±ƒ˘˘˘«˘˘˘° dɢ˘˘H ÖMô˘˘˘f ¿CG
       • What are your expectations for the summer season  .z¿Éª o Y »a ¢ù«éjQ âfÉ°ùd ™éàæe ∫hCG º¡d ¬e~≤j Ée πc øe IOÉØà°S’Gh É¡d π«ãe ’ á«gÉaQh
       and the upcoming months?
       -  The outlook of our strategy for the upcoming season
       looks very solid and strong. There is a lot of movement on
       the leisure market while all our corporate and corporate
       transient segmentation still remain very strong with all the
       investment and development happening in the Saudi mar-
       ket especially Riyadh.
       • What strategies do you employ to maintain consis-
       tently high occupancy rates?
       - I think it goes to the value of the brand, the brand strate-
       gy of what we are offering to our guest, the experience and
       service as well as the enhancement on F&B because we
       found that all our guests are really loving  the F&B experi-
       ence on property, and that’s why we have to match their
       nutrition needs especially that the international traveler
       understands the food, so our strategy is mainly focused on
       looking at the guest journey on property and how we can
       really touch base in every step along the way to make a dif-
       ference on those experiences.
       • To what extent are you focusing on sustainability at
       your hotel?
       - For Marriott International, we have a lot of focus on sustain-
       ability and we do that through too many different programs
       which we have already deployed in place from the food pro-
       grams to energy saving programs. We are investing in a lot of
       new systems which we have to deploy into our business. Overall,
       I think sustainability has to be from the mindset of the people
       working at the hotel to understand the main goal of this concept
       and why we all have a level of responsibility to deliver those sus-
       tainability deployments.

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