Page 94 - Issue_600_November_2021
P. 94

Sam Chaney (Infinox):                                                           Omar Arnaout (Global CEO - XTB):

 Infinox is the brand of choice and a well-                                           We are an established global broker
respected & trusted broker with traditions
                                                                                            and a stock listed company
          and values in the Middle East
                                                                                    The XTB Group is an interna-
                 FROM RIGHT: SAM CHANEY & RAJ NAIK                                      tional provider of trading and
                                                                                    investment products, services
Since his appointment as Global Head of sales at Infinox, Sam Chaney                and technology solutions, spe-
     became an important part of this dynamic organization which has                cialized in financial OTC market
established itself as a key player in the global FX market. His passion to          with a particular focus on CFDs
deliver quality service is evident throughout the company which allows              but has also introduced the pos-
him to develop new exciting opportunities, especially that INFINOX, since           sibility of investing in real stocks
its establishment, has been actively working on delivering to its cus-              and ETF’s within its EU branches.
tomers more tools that enable them to analyze the market with the help of           The Group has a strong track
big data. Al Bayan Magazine met Mr. Chaney on the sidelines of Forex                record in developing and imple-
Expo and conducted the following interview with him. Below is the Q & A.            menting innovative products. It
                                                                                    performs on an ongoing basis
* Can you give us an idea about your company?                                       analyses and evaluates its expo-
- Infinox is a globally recognized FX & CFD broker, regulated since 2009. We        sure to various risks inherent to
have a presence in over 15 countries, providing competitive trading conditions      its business model and reviews
and premium client service worldwide. Our headquarter is in London and we           its risk management policies and
have a strong presence in the Middle East, we have an operation office in           compliance regularly in order to
Dubai and a lot of business in Kuwait and across the GCC. We are a regulat-         adequately control and manage
ed broker and this is important because of the security of the clients’ funds.      such risks. Al Bayan Magazine
People use us as a broker to trade on the financial market. To do that, they        met Omar Arnaout, Global CEO at XTB and conducted the following
have to have a score and regulated broker.                                          interview with him.

* What differentiate you from other similar companies?                              * Can you give us an idea about your company?
- All of our teams around the world focus on the relationship with the client, so   - XTB was established in 2005 in Poland and that’s where our headquarter is and
people can feel secure and happy when dealing with someone they can trust.          since that time, we have opened branches in probably most of the biggest
Trust is a big thing; there is a lot of competition but there is not a good com-    European countries. We are found in the UK, Spain, Germany, Portugal and may
petition. We strive to give clients excellent service, top execution, vehicle of    others. We are also a stock listed company in Poland and for a few years we
choice for when a client wishes to invest his money into a trading house, he        have been active in Latin America and we are one of the market leaders there.
can use Infinox because of the strong regulation and the history of our brand.      Recently, we launched XTB Mena in Dubai and we hope to achieve similar suc-
Therefore, the traditions, history, security and regulation are what differentiate  cess like what we have achieved in Europe and Latin America, Thus, XTB is one
us from other similar companies. Infinox is the brand of choice for lots of         of the largest stock exchange - listed FX & CFD brokers in the world.
clients throughout the Middle East and that is because how well regulated we
are, the wide range of products that we offer & that we are a well-respected                       We care about our clients
and trusted broker with traditions and values of wanting to have a good rela-
tionship with people across the Middle East.                                        * What differentiate you from other similar companies?
                                                                                    - From the trust perspective, obviously we are an established global broker,
* What is your insight about cryptocurrency?                                        we have been in the market for a very long time but additionally we are a stock
- The cryptocurrency will become an investment opportunity in the years             listed company and not many companies in the world can say that they are
ahead. Right now it is an inventory investment opportunity and such opportu-        stock listed. Unlike nearly all companies in this sector, we are not just a finan-
nities come with higher risk. If an investment is happening with a high risk,       cial company, we are also a fintech company. We employ close to 200 IT
there is a chance of good profits but also a chance of big losses, then crypto      developers, there is no month where our clients do not see a difference in our
will be an investment of choice because there is no much knowledge and back         offerings whether talking about our trading platform, mobile platform, website,
history around it. If one is happy to take on a risk investment, then crypto is a   onboarding processes or new instruments, there is no month without a
good choice. As a broker, less knowledge means more risk but that does not          change. This gives us a very strong perspective because what we perfectly
mean that crypto is a bad product. It just means be aware of the risks.             know is that nowadays irrelevant whether we are talking about finance or any
                                                                                    e-commerce, user experience is important and only when you have full con-
* What is the added value behind your participation in Forex Expo?                  trol over your own technology, you can fight for the best possible user experi-
- We have not done any event before because of Covid-19, people were                ence for your clients. At the end of the day, customer satisfaction is our pri-
restricted to travel so Forex Expo is a good time for brokers to contact, meet      mary goal and without our own technology, this would not have been possible.
and communicate. In addition, because of lockdown, we have been working             In addition, due to the fact that we have our own platform, we are able to pro-
on new products, brands, departments, etc… to show to our clients so Forex          vide our clients with added value, in our platform whether you want to analyze
Expo is a perfect opportunity for that. Infinox has grown during Covid like lots    markets, watch educational video’s t or even file a complaint if you are not
of online companies who have seen acceleration. Thus, we want to show peo-          happy for some reason, everything happens exactly in the same place to the
ple how we developed, showcase our products, attract new customers, take            comfort of our clients. Moreover, one of the strongest points other than tech-
the brand forward and Forex Expo is a good marketing to do all this.                nology is the fact that we really care about our clients and their education. I
                                                                                    hope in the UAE we will also be able to establish ourselves as the main edu-
2021 (Ȫaƒf) ÊÉãdG øjô°ûJ - 600 O~©dG - ájOÉ°üàb’G ¿É«ÑdG                           cator in the industry. If you look at our most established branches such as
                                                                                    Spain, Poland and UK and you enter our platform where you have access to
                                                                                    hundreds of hours of education not only prepared by us but by some of the
                                                                                    world’s most popular traders. Other than the online format, hopefully we will
                                                                                    come back to relative normality sooner rather than later, we will be able to
                                                                                    meet with our clients and organize physical seminars and meetings in our
                                                                                    office, we will be more than happy to invite clients.

                                                                                    * What will be your upcoming plans?
                                                                                    - We have to build our brand in the MENA region, we perfectly know that it is
                                                                                    not an easy process, there is a lot of competition here but we also feel confi-
                                                                                    dent for many of the reasons that I mentioned before. Wherever we are, we
                                                                                    have a strategy that we want to be one of the market leaders and this is one
                                                                                    of our primary goals in the Gulf. We want to expand our product offering and
                                                                                    enhance our platforms and since we develop technologically every single
                                                                                    month, there are big enhancements coming.

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