Page 8 - October 2022 Issue 611 Part 2
P. 8
CHEDID REh SAA ´ÉªàLG ܃¡∏°T QÉ°ûjQ øàHÉμdGh ¢ùcQÉe øà°Sôc ,É«©°TƒH »∏jGE ,¬°û«°ûM …OÉg :ø«ª«dG øe
CHEDID REh CASH ´ÉªàLG ¬eÓ°S QÉ«Hh Gô≤°T ƒHGC ¿RÉe .O ,¬eÓ°S º«gGôHGE ,QÉ£«ÑdG êQƒL :QÉ°ù«dG øe
In its 20th anniversary…Liberty Mutual Re continues to develop and
build out all its regions, classes, and strategies
Liberty Mutual Reinsurance is a very different business from the one that began 20 years ago, says its president Dieter Dieter Winkel
Winkel. As the company prepares to mark its 20th anniversary this year, Winkel declares how a unified corporate culture and a
diversified book of business are vital to the delivery of stability for brokers and clients, year after year.
During the past two decades, the company’s journey has included significant growth and diversification. Along the way, it
weathered the enormous, market-shifting events that rocked the world of re/insurance. Winkel is proud that the business has
continued to provide stability to its clients during this time, in spite of the challenges.
Over the intervening 20 years, Liberty Mutual Reinsurance has been very active in its successful expansion into different classes of
business and regions, all the while navigating the familiar, very difficult re/insurance scenarios of the 21st century.
The company began by opening an office in Cologne with three people, added another office to cover different regions, opened a Paris
office and added another account, and so on. The result was a series of mini businesses which operated with relative autonomy.
To navigate the various challenges the industry continued to face, however, Winkel saw the need to draw them together under a sin-
gle strategy. His goal became the creation of a unified operation, fit to weather various storms and also to exploit various cross-sell-
ing opportunities. “When facing challenges, nothing is more important than having all the right people united under a common culture
which encourages the interactions and enthusiasm to tackle them”, Winkel explained.
LM Re is international, with different cultures represented across its various teams, but Winkel is clear they have come togeth-
er to ensure the business can offer clients the best possible outcomes, explaining that LM Re will continue to develop and build
out all its regions, classes, and strategies. “We’ve developed our strategy over time and we constantly adjust it to work through
the unforeseen challenges which we and our clients continue to face, assuring that they work hard every day to achieve sta-
bility for their partners and clients.
PATRICK DELALLEAUh ܃¡∏°T QÉ°ûjQ øàHÉμdG ,GRÒe ~©°SG ,~©°ùe ¬«Ñf :QÉ°ù«dG øe TUNIS REh NASCO RE ´ÉªàLG
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