Page 61 - October 2022 Issue 611 Part 1
P. 61
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Emre Utkan (CEO – Noor Capital Market MDAS– Turkey):
As a part of NCM Investment group companies, we are offering unmatched
trading services and experience to the capital market investors in the region
Since its inception, Noor Capital Market Menkul Degerler A.S. strived to
create a sole distinctive entrance that brings secure, transparent, and safe
access to International financial markets. Its mission has always been to deliv-
er secured world-class investment experience to its customers. Trading with
NCM offers any trader best of conditions, transparency and competitive pric-
ing that will exceed all expectations. NCM enables customers to access a high
number of international markets giving them the diversity of their investment
needs with different products and also caters to the investors trading
demands, with a distinctive wide range of premium services. Al Bayan
Magazine met Emre Utkan, CEO of Noor Capital Market – Turkiye in
Istanbul and conducted the following interview.
¯ ¯ Strong USD scenario might continue until Mid 2023, but these
are the times to enter value trades in capital markets ¯ ¯ ¯
• How do you evaluate your activi- ment and investment experts with an • After Covid-19, digital transfor-
ties in the Turkish market? insight of the region. We are one of mation has become a must. What
- We have been in Turkish brokerage the few brokerage companies in the was the impact of digitalization on
market since 2012, as a wing of market that provides service and your activities and business?
Kuwaiti NCM Investment group com- execution in multiple markets. - There has been a shift from direct
panies, servicing Turkish and interna- Customers can choose their pre- trading into online one and we as a
tional traders in domestic and ferred options. Also, we are probably company has very good platforms for
international capital markets. the only brokerage in the industry people to trade using their mobile
Headquartered in Istanbul and offering all-in-one brokerage service phones or computers, allowing them
expanding through other cities of to each of our customers through a to make transactions easily and
Turkiye. dedicated capital markets customer quickly, anywhere and anytime they
representative. want.
• No doubt that there are many
challenges facing the financial • Are you facing competition in the • In your opinion, which is the
markets especially the rapid Turkish market? safest sector to invest in light of all
depreciation of the Turkish lira. - Actively, there are round 80 compa- the challenges facing the world
What are you doing to attract peo- nies doing the same business in nowadays?
ple to come and invest with you? Turkey so the competition is very - It is clear that US FED’s aggressive
- As a result of the deterioration of the high. Yet, we are one of the presti- rate supporting strong dollar and we
national currency and the increased gious financial brokerage companies might continue this scenario until mid
inflation; people want to protect their with a solid reliable foundation as a 2023. So while the world markets are
equity so they tend to invest in capi- part of NCM Investment group more cautious with a “risk off mode”,
tal markets especially that these mar- companies in the region, offering our expertise shows these are also
kets have their instruments that can unmatched trading services and the periods to enter good value
give opportunity to the investors to experience for capital market trades in capital markets. Because
protect their money and equities. investors through best available once the markets are stabilized with
Thus, we create a sole distinctive trading environments. Competition is controlled inflation, and FED starts to
entrance that brings secure, trans- only motivating us to bring new ideas push the brakes it will end up
parent, and safe access to financial to the industry and invest to increase upwards rallies of world stock mar-
markets, empowered by the support our customer satisfaction. kets.
of high technology trading environ-