Page 124 - September 2022 Issue 610
P. 124

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New Proposed Regulatory Reforms and
Innovations Towards the 2030’s Vision

Written by : Kareem M. Awad

Section Head_ Property Department – gig Insurance Egypt

It is clear from the previous experiences of the Arab markets towards            sentations and complaints across all sectors and industries. In terms of
  making some reforms to the regulatory and supervisory rules of the             Natural resources management, as population increases, shortages of
state’s insurance laws, in order to face challenges, opportunities and           food, water and energy, climate change and its negative consequences are
changes in the economic conditions, as well as keep pace with tech-              contributing to the pressure on natural resources, which has led to the devel-
nological developments as part of the economic reform programs in                opment of technology and dependence on sustainable markets for renew-
the region, which are recently pursued by many governments towards               able energy, environmental goods and services, and green infrastructure
the 2030 growth vision .Possibly, the aforementioned changes and                 that contributes to a greener economy.
developments are not optimal enough due to changes of current and                Development of Risk Management and Finding New Innovative
prospective economic, social and technological, which are consistent             Insurance Solutions, due to poverty and financial risks were shown by the
with the strategies of global sustainable development. Due to this,              increase in unemployment ,interest rates, energy prices, and the reduction
most insurance regulators in the region adapted strategies that sup-             in sales for almost global economics, which sparked the development of the
ported innovation and used technological business models and solu-               term sustainable development, which seeks to improve living conditions for
tions to improve the results of non-banking activities, which contribute         all individuals without increasing the use of natural resources, resulting in
effectively to achieving the goals of financial inclusion and sustainable        economic growth, natural resource conservation, environmental protection,
development. Hence, all insurance regulators in our region must step             and social progress under global framework for sustainability which is one of
towards developing the regulatory and supervisory structure and                  the Financing Initiative of United Nations Environment Program, The insur-
inventing new business models through the following ideas:                       ance regulators have re-strategies of many business models according to
Approach the Digitalization and Insurtech Strategies through encour-             the goals of Sustainable Insurance by preparing many insurance pro-
age investment in digitalization and digital products, approach use a variety    grams for low-income families through tailored insurance policies for small
of new techniques such as awareness programs and regulatory and super-           and medium businesses, livestock, poultry, fish farms and health care pro-
visory technology in order to facilitate non-financial transactions. This        grams, as well as critical disease treatment., in addition provide insurance
approach includes the use of modern technologies drivers such as big data,       programs to those with low incomes and those with poor education to guar-
cloud computing, internet of things, block chain, and artificial intelligence    antee the provision of quality education and life. Furthermore, many of the
mechanisms to create new business models such as autonomous cars,                insurance companies’ investments go towards infrastructure and poor com-
smart homes and mobile application, in addition it will be worthy to facilitate  munities beside their core role to protect and indemnity of the policy holders.
the existing business such as smart wearable watch in health insurance           Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing, through develop
which will reflect on attract new customers.                                     new techniques aims to detect money laundering and terrorist financ-
Approach New Strategies and Business Models for the Financial                    ing that are consistent with the national objective of financial inclusion,
Inclusion through coordination with banks to setup new policies and strate-      without any amendments of existing procedures for combating crime,
gies that aim to attract new customers will be attracted for both sectors and    as well as enhance our capacities for measuring illegal financial flows
new digital insurance programs will be developed to fit their needs.             through a specialized team. Furthermore, developing effective super-
Apply for the Global Financial Codes and Standards by using                      visory practices to combat the phenomenon of greenwashing in coop-
smart statistical models and new work techniques that rely exclusively           eration with the United Nations Conference, and fighting money laun-
on artificial intelligence for operating data, detecting fraud and forgery,      dering and terrorist financing risks.
and imposing new rules to follow the financial standard Solvency II for          Development of Regulatory Framework, one of the important new
all insurance companies operating in the market in order to increase             proposals is to review the minimum capital requirements due to infla-
efficiency, effectiveness and competitiveness among insurance com-               tion and interest rate increases in order to ensure that insurers can ful-
panies, by analyzing capital requirements, risk management and com-              fil their obligations and comply with international financial standards.
pliance with regulatory requirements.                                            Additionally, arrange for regulatory issues that allow for the expansion
Respond to the New Emerging Risks in order to respond to global                  of insurance sales channels by entering nearby sectors to promote
new emerging risks which effect on the social and business results, In           insurance products through for example banking and telecommunica-
terms of Climate Change which shown on to long-term shifts in tem-               tion sectors in order to reach new segments of the market.
peratures and weather patterns, therefore the regulators take the ini-           The regulatory development agenda will also include topics such as
tiative to approach new strategy to in order to adapt and capitalize on          Consumer Protection, Data Focus, Privacy, and Cybersecurity to
this challenge through joined-up policy making to put climate risk mod-          ensure integration with existing and potential customer portals,
els at the heart of national adaptation strategies ,using technology             advanced modelling techniques as well as eliminate any threats, deter-
models to predict and respond to weather change, invest in open-                 mine whether data is used properly, with permission, and is well guard-
source models that provide a long-term view of climate risk and inte-            ed and secure. Furthermore, setup several regulations and rules
grate with the insurance solutions. In terms of Cyber Risks, due to the          through the regulator to enhance the digital environment such as oblig-
increased reliance on digital platforms and the use of technology, it is         atory online or credit cards payment as per the Electronic Payments
imperative that cybersecurity practices, awareness and culture pro-              and Receipts Law, remote working rules and reduce the dependence
grams on cyberthreats, and specialized computer programs for data                of the traditional ways of working.
protection be implemented, approach specific security management                 Eventually the Regulators in our region will focus their attention on
standards , in addition encouraging insurance companies and cus-                 Environmental, Social, and Governance issues as well as the Digital
tomers to purchase mandatory cyber insurance , as well as a trend to             Asset Ecosystem due to their anticipated growth and the potential neg-
establish a national cloud computing platform to handle public repre-            ative effects of climate change on economy and insurance companies.

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