Page 153 - Ju;u 2022 Issue 608
P. 153
LinkShadow Achieves Integration with Fortinet 5G äÉμÑ°T ô°ûf ™jô°ùJ πM ¿GQƒ£J e& z øe ä’É°üJG {h z ƒaƒæ«d {
through Fabric-Ready Technology Alliance Program
LinkShadow, a US registered
company providing cybersecuri-
ty solution with regional offices
in the Middle East, announced
an integration combining
Fortinet FortiGate Next
Generation Firewalls (NGFW)
and LinkShadow Cybersecurity
Analytics Platform. The integra-
tion equips security teams to ÜGƒH AÓY …~jƒ°ùdG ~dÉN
uncover zero-day threats with
proactive threat detection and º«ª°üàd ɪ¡fhÉ©J øY ,z e& øe ä’É°üJG{h LENOVO zƒaƒæ«d{ âæ∏YCG
Fadi Sharaf
defense by getting full visibility äÉμÑ°ûd ™jô°ùdG ô°ûædG ø쪫°S …òdG ~j~édG "5G EDGE-IN-A-BOX " πM
Regional Sales Director
from Fortinet Firewalls around .áaÉëdG áμÑ°T áÑ°SƒM ΩG~îà°SG ä’ÉM øe á©°SGh áYƒªée øª°V "5G"
the defense activities. »˘a ᢫˘ª˘bô˘dG äɢ°üæ˘˘ª˘˘dGh äɢ˘μ˘˘Ñ˘˘°ûdG ¢ù«˘˘FQ ÖFɢ˘f , …~jƒ°ùdG ~dɢN ∫ɢ˘˘bh
Linkshadow Cybersecurity Analytics Platform, the most ¢ùeÉîdG π«édG áμÑ°T ô°ûf »a ä’É°üJG äôªãà°SG{ :z e& øe ä’É°üJG{
Innovative User and Entity Behavioral Analytics Platform in ≈dEG πàfEGh ƒaƒæ«d ™e ÉæàcGô°T ±~¡Jh ,äGQÉeE’G ádhO »a IQƒ£àªdG "5G"
Frost Radar for 2020, provides customers with unparalleled ,Égô°ûf ádƒ¡°Sh É¡àfÉàªH RÉàªJ ∫ƒ°UƒdG IO~©àe áÑ°SƒM ∫ƒ∏M ôjƒ£J
detection of the most sophisticated threats. It enhances an É¡«a ɪH AÓª©dG äÉLÉ«àMG »Ñ∏J I~j~L äÉe~N ºj~≤J ácGô°ûdG í«àà°Sh
organization’s defense and accelerates incident response by .zRõ©ªdG øeC’Gh ™°SGƒdG ¥É£ædGh ¢ ØîæªdG ∫É≤àf’G øeR äGP áÑ°SƒëdG
utilizing Artificial Intelligence based Machine Learning to ana- i~˘d ᢫˘à˘ë˘à˘dG ᢫˘æ˘Ñ˘dG ∫ƒ˘∏˘M á˘Yƒ˘ª˘˘é˘˘ª˘˘d Ωɢ˘©˘˘dG ô˘˘j~˘˘ª˘˘dG , ÜGƒ˘H AÓ˘Y ∫ɢ˘˘˘bh
lyze events, perform UEBA and cutting-edge Threat Hunting. »a á∏FÉg IOÉjR Ωƒ«dG ~¡°ûf{ :É«≤jôaCGh §°ShC’G ¥ô°ûdG á≤£æe »a zƒaƒæ«d{
The integration of LinkShadow and FortiGate Next Generation äɢgƒ˘jQÉ˘æ˘«˘°ùdG äɢLɢ«˘à˘MG ᢫˘Ñ˘∏˘à˘d IQƒ˘£˘à˘ª˘dG á˘Ñ˘°Sƒ˘ë˘dG ∫ƒ˘∏˘M ≈˘∏˘˘Y Ö∏˘˘£˘˘dG
Firewall comprehends the lifecycle of User and Entity
äɢμ˘Ñ˘°Th »˘YÉ˘æ˘°üdG Aɢ«˘°TC’G âfô˘à˘fEGh ᢫˘cò˘dG ¿~˘ª˘dG ᢢª˘˘¶˘˘fCG :π˘˘ã˘˘e I~˘˘j~˘˘é˘˘dG
Behavioral Analytics, and Threat Hunting, and accommodates
.᢫˘LQɢî˘dG çG~˘MC’G π˘ã˘e I~˘«˘˘©˘˘Ñ˘˘dG ™˘˘bGƒ˘˘ª˘˘dGh á˘˘à˘˘bDƒ˘˘ª˘˘dG çG~˘˘MC’Gh Gô˘˘«˘˘eɢ˘μ˘˘dG
highly automated, complex incident response, to deliver faster
∫É°üJ’G äÉμÑ°T ô«aƒJ ä’É°üJ’G äÉcô°T ≈∏Y Ö©°üdG øe ¿Éc ɪdÉ£dh
results and facilitate an adaptive defense against the most
á«àëàdG á«æÑdG »a Qɪãà°S’G Ö∏£àj Ée ,äÉLÉ«àM’G √òg á«Ñ∏àd á«aÉ°VE’G
sophisticated and unknown attacks.
ô«aƒJ ɢæ˘d í˘«˘à˘«˘°S "5G EDGE-IN-A-BOX" π˘˘˘M ¿CG ’EG .ᢢ˘μ˘˘˘Ñ˘˘˘˘°ûdG äGQ~˘˘˘˘bh
Fortinet FortiGate Next Generation Firewalls feed LinkShadow
π˘˘©˘˘é˘˘j ɢ˘e ,âª˘˘JDƒ˘˘e π˘˘μ˘˘°ûH IQGOE’Gh ô˘˘°ûæ˘˘dG ∫ɢ˘ª˘˘μ˘˘à˘˘°SGh ™˘˘˘jô˘˘˘°ùdG ∫ɢ˘˘°üJE’G
Cybersecurity Analytics Platform with the insights needed for
.záØ∏μJ πbCGh π¡°SCGh ´ô°SCG "5G" äÉμÑ°ûH ∫É°üJ’G
the cybersecurity analytics by collecting raw syslogs for the
Blocked Traffic. LinkShadow Cybersecurity Analytics Platform
uses Advanced Machine Learning Algorithms to track unusual á«cô«eC’G á«LƒdƒæμàdG z »∏àjGôH { …ôà°ûJ z õ檫°S {
activities, pinpoint malicious connections, detect suspected
Q’hO QÉ«∏e 1^58 πHÉ≤e
communications, and dive deep into anomalous activities. The
Analyst can then send an action to FortiGate Next-Generation
Firewall to act against the threat directly from LinkShadow
Cybersecurity Analytics Platform, which preempts an attack at
an early stage and aids faster resolution.
“Today, most breaches are zero-day exploits, leaving no scope
for detection or mitigation. Lack of timely intelligence cripples
security teams, posing a panic situation, and brings businesses
to a stand-still followed by huge financial ramifications”, said
Fadi Sharaf, Regional Sales Director, LinkShadow. “It is critical zôjƒàaƒ°S »∏àjGôH{ ácô°T …ôà°ûJ ±ƒ°S É¡fEG Siemens zõ檫°S{ ácô°T âdÉb
to deploy automated cybersecurity tools driven by Artificial .Q’hO QÉ«∏e 1^58 πHÉ≤e z∫Éà«HÉc ∂«dô«∏c{ øe É«Lƒdƒæμà∏d á«cô«eC’G
Intelligence that can detect and mitigate an anomaly well in ™æ°üH á«cô«eC’G Éæ«dhQÉc çQƒf »a Égô≤e ™≤j »àdG z»∏àjGôH{ ácô°T Ωƒ≤Jh
advance and save the day. With this robust integration,
»a áàÑãªdG äGô©°ûà°ùªdG øe äÉfÉ«ÑdG ™ªéj á«HÉë°ùdG áÑ°SƒëdG ≈∏Y ºFÉb èeÉfôH
LinkShadow gains full visibility into the application layers to
.á∏μ°ûe çh~M πÑb áfÉ«°ü∏d áLÉëdG ~Yƒe πq∏ëjh »fÉѪdG
monitor abnormal connections and data exfiltration which are
proactively stopped by FortiGate Next Generation Firewall ΩÉY »a z»∏àjGôH{ ≈∏Y äPƒëà°SG ~b á°UÉîdG º¡°SCÓd z∂«dô«∏c{ ácô°T âfÉch
before posing a threat”, Sharaf added. .Q’hO ¿ƒ«∏e 500 πHÉ≤e 2019