Page 58 - March 2022 Issue 604
P. 58

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Coral and Liquigas expansion opens the door to speculations and fake news:

“The truth behind the rise of a family business that supported the Lebanese energy sector in time of crisis”

Despite the ongoing economic crisis in Lebanon, the private sector has                  FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: Mr. ANTONIO YAMMINE,
     proven once more its resilience to unexpected political and social down-              Mr. EDGAR YAMIN AND Mr. OSCAR YAMIN
Family businesses in Lebanon constitute the bulk of its private sector cre-
ating a lifeline to the country’s instability during the last few years; fami-
ly businesses that opted to invest, resist and expand in their homeland
holding tight to their roots and history.
Coral and Liquigas are in the core of the successful business stories that stood
still believing in their homeland and expanding to meet with the rising demand
on petroleum products by investing in local assets and mainly in employing
Lebanese talented youth reaching a total of 800 employees in 2021.
Coral and Liquigas well established network has spurred speculations,
rumors and misinformation reaching even accusation in the wake of a
media system today that has become vulnerable to social media unfound-
ed allegations and channeled false information.
In an interview with Mr. Oscar Alfred Yamin, Chairman of A. Yamin
Group, the campaigns targeting his two companies, Liquigas and Coral,
which got harshly accentuated with the start of Lebanon’s economic and
social crisis, were tackled for further investigation. Oscar Yamin answered
several questions related to the allegations in question.

* Several rumors were recently circulating in the media, especially dur-                tion, solid network of relationships, as well as our available facilities with for-
ing the last couple of years, that the Yamin family owns Coral and                      eign suppliers and banks. Coral ensured the Lebanese people some social
Liquigas Companies in partnership with politicians. Moreover, one of                    and economic safety and a sense of security in these dire times.
them was explicitly named as well. What are your comments regard-                       To answer your question rumors in social media indeed falsely attributed
ing these claims of ownership?                                                          during these various campaigns the ownership of Coral and Liquigas com-
- Thank you for bringing this up since this matter needs a once and for all clarifica-  panies to different political parties and certain specific politicians, that funni-
tion.                                                                                   ly enough are opposed to each other in politics and presenting contradicto-
My two brothers Antonio, Edgar and I have inherited the petroleum products              ry agendas which leads to inaccuracy of the disseminated information and
distribution business that was started in 1964 by our father Alfred Semaan              of course these attributions depended on the timing of these campaigns.
Yamin. The A. Yamin Group is a purely commercial group of companies,                    So I repeat, our Company was never implicated in political matters nor sup-
having no political affiliation either directly or indirectly and conducts its busi-    ported any particular political party. Our aim is to serve all the Lebanese
ness in utmost transparency and in compliance with the applicable                       people in all regions by ensuring provision of gasoline and diesel in sufficient
Lebanese laws and regulations, and in accordance with international regu-               quantities to distribution stations in all regions, hospitals, bakeries, munici-
lations, directions and decisions.                                                      palities, private generators, embassies, schools and universities to enable
My brothers and I, have started working with our father very early, during our          them to carry on with their respective duties in the absence of electricity and
teenage years, weekends, and school vacations and during our university                 public transport that we currently experienced and are still experiencing.
studies, and have gradually expanded the business.
In 2005, our group of companies A. Yamin Group acquired Liquigas Liban                  * Do you have, or can you share with us, any document supporting
SAL. In 2017, as part of its continued business expansion the Group                     your arguments, which we can effectively publish?
acquired the British Company The Coral Oil Company Limited UK and its                   - These rumors are untrue and can be easily proven to be fake and false. It
Lebanese branch which had a significant market share in the Lebanese Jet                is very simple, as when one looks into the official documents of the com-
A1, diesel and gasoline distribution for over 90 years. We now serve approx-            mercial register that are openly available to the public in both the UK and in
imately 200 Coral service gas stations in Lebanon, of which 20% are owned               Lebanon, you would undoubtedly know who owns the company. The pub-
or directly managed by the Group and the remaining franchised.                          lished information clearly shows that the entities are solely owned and con-
With the acquisition of Coral, A. Yamin Group now holds a major role in the             trolled by their current three owners (Oscar, Edgar and Antonio Yammine)
petroleum sector in Lebanon, managing alone more than one third of the                  through their legal entities. My brothers and I are indeed mentioned as the
overall local petroleum storage capacity, and is currently handling a consid-           sole shareholders, and all the economic rights of those shares go only to the
erable market share in Lebanon.                                                         three of us as Ultimate Beneficiary Owners.
Following our last business expansion in 2017 and in times of social and                Furthermore, the companies have issued an explanatory statement at the begin-
economic unrest that started in October 2019, we were startled with an orga-            ning of these campaigns and made the legal documents available on the compa-
nized campaign of lies, slander, and incitement targeted our companies                  ny’s website as part of its transparency policy despite that evidence and clarifica-
“Liquigas” and “Coral” on social media.                                                 tions, the ongoing publication of this fake information demonstrates the bad faith
In 2020, the campaign of lies and incitement
intensified and became more recurrent, espe-                                                                                      and the premeditation to damage the reputa-
cially during the most challenging and                                                                                            tion of Coral and Liquigas and their owners.
unprecedented economic and social crisis                                                                                          Moreover, the company also strictly
that Lebanon has been enduring lately.                                                                                            denies any transfer of its shares to any
During this precarious period, Coral was                                                                                          third party and any private or political
among the few gasoline and diesel import-                                                                                         party. These claims were published by
ing and distributing companies that contin-                                                                                       those with a questionable reputation and
ued its supply of those two vital products to                                                                                     by non-credible publishers when faced
all Lebanese regions and all economic sec-                                                                                        with evidence and against whom we have
tors. Our ability to supply Lebanon with                                                                                          successfully presented many legal cases.
diesel, Jet A1, and gasoline was only possi-                                                                                      We can thus very confidently challenge
ble during these times of financial chal-                                                                                         whoever has any supporting document or
lenges because of our outstanding reputa-                                                                                         documents to those utterly false and fake
                                                                                                                                  allegations to make them public.

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