بنك مسقط يفتتح مشروعي إنارة في ولايتي بهلاء والعوابي ضمن برنامج “الملاعب الخضراء”
التزامًا منه بدوره الريادي في مجال المسؤولية الاجتماعية ودعم المجتمع والشباب، يواصل بنك مسقط، المؤسسة المالية الرائدة في سلطنة عُمان، افتتاح المزيد من مشاريع المل
Bank Muscat’s Asalah awarded for Exceptional Priority Banking Services
In recognition of its unique services targeting all segments of society, Bank Muscat, the leading financial services provider in the Sultanate of Oman, received the “Exceptional Priority Banking Services” Award for its Asalah Priority Banking, within the annual “Signature” Award
“القطرية” للطيران تقدم تخفيضات على تذاكر السفر مخصصة لزبائن بنك مسقط
انطلاقًا من التزامه بتوفير عروض وخدمات مميزة تلبي تطلعات واحتياجات الزبائن في كل الأوقات، أعلن بنك مسقط، المؤسسة المالية الرائدة في سلطنة عُمان، عن تعاونه مع الخطو
Bank Muscat’s Translating Bank’s Vision “To Serve You Better, Everyday”
Bank Muscat’s network of branches distributed across the Sultanate’s Governorates represents the Bank’s main interface and a major channel set to deliver a suite of diverse banking services and facilities to customers. Since its establishment in 1982, Bank Muscat has taken strategic steps and
Bank Muscat Offers Daily Cashback Rewards for Visa Credit Cardholders
In line with its commitment to extend rewards to customers, Bank Muscat, the leading financial services provider in the Sultanate of Oman, has launched an exciting offer for Visa Credit Cardholders on the occasion of Oman’s Glorious 53rd National Day. Customers will get the chance to enter a draw
بنك مسقط يدير بنجاح الاكتتاب العام الأوليّ لشركة أوكيو لشبكات الغاز والأكبر حجمًا في تاريخ سوق المال بالسلطنة
أعلن بنك مسقط، المؤسّسة الماليّة الرائدة في سلطنة عُمان، عن نجاح دائرة الأعمال المصرفيّة الاستثماريّة للبنك في إدارة الاكتتاب العام الأوليّ لشركة أوكيو لشبكات الغ
Bank Muscat offers 100% cashback on international Credit Card usage
In line with its commitment to offer various services and benefits to meet customers’ aspirations especially during summer, Bank Muscat, the leading financial services provider in the Sultanate, launched a special offer on its Credit Cards when used internationally. During the offer period, custom
Bank Muscat inaugurates a new branch in Wilayat of Amerat
In line with Bank Muscat’s customer-centric vision “To serve you better, everyday”, and to enhance branches’ network that already counted to 178 branches in all over the Sultanate, a new branch was inaugurated at Madinat Al Nahdha in the Wilayat of Amerat recently in the presence of HE Shei
Pay your bills through Bank Muscat Internet and Mobile Banking
Bank Muscat, the leading financial services provider in the Sultanate of Oman, has called upon customers to take full advantage of its powerful omnichannel Internet and Mobile banking platform for their daily transactions and bill payments. The platform, which is being continuously upgraded, has bee